In the veins of Bathory/Hellhammer


Mar 1, 2012
This is my first label project, so I need to get some feedback, hehe.
It's meant to sound old school as the title suggests. Anyways the mix should'nt be bad.
Everything 100% real. I'll be happy to get any advice.

So far I'm happy with everything but the vocals, they need some work here and there.
Tell me if there's something wrong with the mix, my ears are dead right now

Thanks in advance!

Forgot to mention: nothing has been cut till now, I was too lazy :D
But for rating the mix that's not important...
Thanks guys!
My client wasn't as happy as I was with the mix; it sounded not oldschool enough,
especially the kickdrum and overall clearity... (don't hate that guy, he actually understands a lot of music, I totally appreciate his reaction)
So I took the time to remix and I think I nailed a better, yet more oldschool sound than before.

Also I'm happier with the vocals now, but they could be turned up a bit?
Guitars also louder and the bass' lowend a little lower in volume?

Any suggestions to get an even more 80's feeling? I don't want to reduce the quality of my mix, just some tips to get it more... vintage?
What I already did to the drums was that I exported the whole processed drum track, re-imported it and put some heavy saturation/compression on it. Then I blended it with the "normal" drum tracks, it gave the drums more depth and this 80's crust. I like it!

So again, give me hints for this baby!
Also, as this will be released on Vynil and Tape, how much will that do to the sound?
And I will be "mastering" this myself, what options are there to get more vintage feeling?

Thanks in advance!
sorry, but it doesn't sound good (nor EVIL, that is) to my ears, not at all
guitars are not gritty enough, bass would use an overdrive too
maybe put voc a bit lower in a mix and treat it with MOAR reverb?

it would probably help if you'd aim for more punishing, "Under The Sign If The Black Mark" / "A Blaze In The Northern Sky" sound

nevertheless, the songwriting's far from good, but that's just my opinion
Thanks for the honest response.
I think you are right, I did too much to the guitars, so they lost their character.
Bass is actually overdriven, but it's overdrive doesn't cut through that much yet.
And the vocals still need work, meh...

I will redo the mix again, haha!
References from the client were Hellhammer/Bathory/Niefelheim, but we talked about some stuff that we would make different.
I mean we are in the 21st century, we don't have to degrade the quality on purpose. To find the right balance is the struggle here...

Thanks again.