In Vain - The Latter Rain


Faith Puppeteer
Sep 25, 2005
California, US
Has anyone else picked up In Vain's debut The Latter Rain? I finally got my hands on a copy and have really been enjoying it. For those who haven't heard it, it's kind of hard to describe, but I'd probably settle on progressive death metal in the vein of Opeth/Ihsahn/later Enslaved:

I'll have to check this out. Not only do I like the bands you've compared this to, but I love Gorguts, Cynic, Atheist, and I trust your judgment wholeheartedly.

Edit: Okay, so I went to their MySpace, where they have posted full songs to listen to and holy shit. YES. This is the kind of band that needs to be appearing in the "progressive" metal scene. They are technical enough to appreciate their chops, yet the songwriting is much stronger than other "tech" bands. I also get way more emotion in the songs, an attribute sometimes lost on more modern bands. In short, I love what little I've heard and will try to track down a copy of their CD...this is great stuff.
I'll have to check this out. Not only do I like the bands you've compared this to, but I love Gorguts, Cynic, Atheist, and I trust your judgment wholeheartedly.

Edit: Okay, so I went to their MySpace, where they have posted full songs to listen to and holy shit. YES. This is the kind of band that needs to be appearing in the "progressive" metal scene. They are technical enough to appreciate their chops, yet the songwriting is much stronger than other "tech" bands. I also get way more emotion in the songs, an attribute sometimes lost on more modern bands. In short, I love what little I've heard and will try to track down a copy of their CD...this is great stuff.


While I'm at it, if you like Atheist, Gorguts, Cynic and Martyr, I would recommend:

Augury - Concealed (
Disembarkation - Rancorous Observision (
Obliveon - From This Day Forward and Nemesis
Spasme - Deep Inside
yes..I actually have mentioned them a number of times here and on many other boards. Most recently in the "if you were given the power..." topic.

THE LATTER RAIN is a borderline CLASSIC..and in fact they are working on a new album that I read earlier this year could be released before the end of 2008. Not sure if that's still the case, but it's not far away, and it's definitely high on my list of expectations.

Another band I'd recommend for fans of In Vain: THURISAZ.
Oh yeah, Thurisaz is fantastic. They were at Chicago Powerfest a couple of years ago and I met them. Great band, great dudes, big fan. Also, thanks for the recs, Burnout.
Very high quality Death Metal. However, for most of the folks around here, don't expect for its magic to reveal itself on the first listen. The music and the story offer a lot of nuance.

Nice! I checked out their myspace page and immediately ordered their CD.

Thanks for the heads up!

*edit* Got this in the middle of the week - and after listening to it a few times - this is a fantastic CD!

Thanks for the recommendation.
Mantra, the new album, is being pushed back to 2010.

We are sorry to announce that our upcoming album, Mantra, will not be released until early 2010. This has nothing to do with the quality of the music or disagreements, but due to the label restructuring their business. We cannot say anything more about the matter than this. This is also completely out of our hands.

However, releasing it in 2010 will give the album much better promotion and adverting, so in the end it will turn out better. Sorry, yet again, for another delay on this album. This is not something we wanted either. Hope you have not lost all your faith and patience concerning this release now...

Peace out from the Gili Islands

-J. Haaland