In Yer Dreams

What do you dream about most?

  • Celebrities

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Being chased

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Death

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • Falling

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Flying

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • House

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Being lost

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Being Naked

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sex (ya didn't think I'd leave this out did ya?)

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


nocturnal creature
Sep 30, 2003
lurking in the darkness
Well, since everyone is arguing about votes or grumbling about assholes, I thought I'd do something fun!
I wanted to have a poll about dreams and see what's running through our naughty little minds when were asleep.
I voted for house cause I am always dreaming that I'm moving into a new house. (it gives birth to many new design ideas) like, I designed this house that I saw in one of my its my 'dream house' - literally! :lol:

I also dream about flying alot. and celebrities. Once I had a dream that I went to Gene Simmons' house for dinner. Too bad it wasnt true - that would be sweet! And the other day I dreamed that Charlie B. and I were working together on some project (!?)
I once had a dream that I robbed a bank with a friend of mine (who was actually one friend appearing in another friend's body) and a cop shot me in the head.

I don't dream that often. Most of my dreams are about hanging out with random people (you board freaks, rock stars, actors, old friends I haven't thought of in years, etc.). I only have maybe 3-4 sex dreams a year, and then I usually wake up before it gets good.
Ragamuffin said:
I dream about death, more specifically mine. You'd be suprised how many ways you can die.
Strangulation, mutilation, cancer of the brain
Limb dissection, amputation, from a mind deranged

Asphyxiation, suffocation, gasping for air
Explain to me the feeling after sitting in the chair?

Ripping apart
Severing flesh
Gouging eyes
Tearing limb from limb

Experimentation, slow infection, internal decay
Execution, need transfusion, body rots away

Sliced incision, zero vision, loss of vital signs
Skin contortion, bone erosion, your life becomes your fine

Ripping apart
Severing flesh
Gouging eyes
Tearing limb from limb

Strangulation, mutilation, cancer of the brain
Limb dissection, amputation, from a mind deranged

Asphyxiation, suffocation, gasping for air
Explain to me the feeling after sitting in the chair

Sliced incision, zero vision, loss of vital signs
Skin contortion, bone erosion, your life becomes your fine

Necrophobic can't control the paranoia
Scared to die
If I eat real late I get strange or funny dreams. When I'm stressed I'm hunting down people who have fucked with me or my family, sometimes I take 5 or 6 shots to the chest and I don't die, kinda like Geronimo. I must be psyhco.
Bodylouseuk said:
I have the same dream about once a week. I drive over someone as they step on to a Zebra crossing. All i know its a girl and she's not always wearing the same colour coat...

Hence I drive very carefully when approaching crossings:erk:

Are there many Zebra crossings where you live? :)
If you eat before you go to sleep your dreams will be freaky. Definitely avoid it. My dreams are very random and inconsistent, but at the time, they flow like some kind of story. People I haven't seen in years are my best friends. And I always live in the house that I grew up in. Never any other home, just that one. I've read a few times that dreams are how we inventory our thoughts, and if we didn't dream we'd go insane. I believe it.
I have a reoccuring dream that I'm being chased by zombies. This has been going on since I was about 9. I used to be scared shitless of it, so I just watched tons of zombie movies and got desensitized to it. Yet. I still have the dream. It gets longer, and more ppl are added to it but it's the same dream.

Once in a while I dream about the old house I grew up in, which was a stones throw from an old, big assed cemetery that just so happens to be the starting point of my zombie dream.

And at least once a month about sex. Sex with women I work with, celebrities and an ex girlfriend. out right freaky shit. and if I think it's freaky, then its fre ee ee ee eaky!
I moved around a lot as a kid, so back then I only dreamt about where I was living at that time. Now, I don't dream about where I'm living. I usual end up in some neutral place, like a hotel lobby (that's the most popular place this year) or restaurant. My rare sex dreams happen in a place I've never seen before.

The only recurring dream I had was my freshman year of high school. A masked man with a chainsaw/axe/butcher knife would chase me, saying I made him fail a math test 7 years ago. It always started in my math class, but I'd spend the rest of the dream running in and out of friend's houses (a la Ferris Bueller) and trying to figure out what I could have possibly done in second grade to make this psycho guy fail his math test. I never did figure it out. I chalk it up to math anxiety.
I usually dream about my job or kids...(boring) When I worked at Metro Airport here in DTW I dreamt a lot about plane crashes...(trippy) but never saw one , thankfully. Although I did see a close call with an aborted landing and watched a Continental 727 come in w/o its left main gear...(trippy too, and F***ing Awesome!) That pilot is a hero in my book. He retired two weeks later without piloting again!
Metal Maiden said:
I wonder how long that will take. I've had less than 5 dreams in like the last 6-7 years.
No, no no!
Everyone has dreams every night. You just don't always remember them.