Indie Synth Rock with Female Vox, mix almost done


smash that.
Jul 3, 2011
Vienna, Austria
So, i am going to skip the usual banter, i'm not completely done but i feel confident about the current stage of the mix.

i'll gladly answer any questions and greatly appreciate any input!
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i'd really appreciate some input on the general sound aesthetic, if i went wrong with the super compressed snare sound especially?

I would work on the overheads some. And I would probably layer another snare sound with the one that you have. Something with a little more body and some reverb on it. And I might try to work some magic on the vocals.

Definitely needs more work, but I don't think that you are that far from what I imagine is the sound that you are after.
. And I might try to work some magic on the vocals.
Could you give me a point in which direction i should put the vocals mix-wise?

Right now they have been pitchcorrected and then a very conservative vocalchain to keep them fairly natural sounding over the wall of sound barrage that is the rest of the song.
some pitches on the vocals are still a bit off imo
Also they could be a bit more tamed, dynamic wise...
Guitars are boxy on the "heavier" parts, it works on the strummed/crunchy though. the beginning there's a lot of fx going on in the vocals but the guitars are pretty dry, I'd try to even that out a bit...if there's so much going on at the vocals then the guitars seems pretty "meh" in comparison, if you get what I mean.
The eq relationship of guitars/vox could also a bit better, but I guess you just want a totally different guitarsound than what I would go for.

Something is strange with the overheads, but I can't put a finger on it...maybe they are a bit mid heavy

overall I think it feels like the singer is doing a bit over her abilities...not really enough on pitch for some of the stuff she is trying to do.
Which is a pitty, cause she's got a really cool voice!
Nice song and style too.
I think that I heard a little bit that still needed to be de-essed. Poster above me is right on about still being out of pitch here and there and as far as the dynamics go. The performance is uneven and will probably need to be micro-managed to some extent in order to get it where you want it to be.

I have some ideas of how I would approach the issues with the mix, but I am just an amateur and would probably have to trial and error my way through things over the course of several hours until things rounded into shape. Still though, I think that there is plenty to work with and with some more time and experimentation with things that it will turn out well in the end.