INFECTED - X50/X30/MetalFoundry


Jan 4, 2008
Here's a clip of something I'm working on,
the idea is to make something inspired by Tool and Soilwork (but I ended up with basically stealing the riff from Aenima :loco:)

Anyway, I think I'm pretty happy with the sound I've got here ..
Bass is a blend of X30 and a highly processed clean low end.. (a cheap Ibanez GSR200)
Lead guitar is TSE808, X50, GuitarHack's Mesa quad between .. + GDelay
Rythm guitars are TSE808, X50 Red Channel (Plus), ASEM Recto impulse, ReaXcomp, HP@80Hz/LP@16kHz ..
Drums are MetalFoundry with kick and snare replaced.. the list of processing is too long to be mentioned here :zzz:
+dimension pro/sylenth etc..

(PreRelease of the damn plugin next week)
Sounds very nice and everything fits great and sounds quite huge!
Hearing the Soilwork vibe ;)

apart from that "waAaAaAaaAaAaAaaAa" sounds at the beginning I like it
this sounds fucking great onqel!
bassdrum sounds meaty as fuck, love it.
is this MF only or did you beln in other samples?

bassdrum is 30% metalfoundry and 70% devildriver samples .. the post processing is so hard that you wouldn't recognize either one of them :P

Nice to hear that you guys are liking it, it makes me want to do more ;)

Mago: the "waAaAaAaaAaAaAaaAa" sound is the reason why I named it "Infected" :D