Inferno festival 2003

Inferno festival is in Oslo. LAst year it was in the easter.
Borkis was NOT there in 2002 but i hope to see them in 2003. Anyway, Vintersorg played, Dimmu played, Nocturnal Breed played, Lockup played and many other bands. It's a great chance for us in Norway to see our great heroes from the north :)

for more info:
hehehe....that question was clearly directed to the band and who's answering? Us! :D
Anyway....I will consider the whole thing and keep the date in mind. It depends on which bands will be playing after all. And on how good Morg is in persuading me :D
It's not very likely we'll be playing at the next Inferno Festival. Most likely we'll be in the studio recording the next album around the time of the festival.
Originally posted by Tyr
It's not very likely we'll be playing at the next Inferno Festival. Most likely we'll be in the studio recording the next album around the time of the festival.

I would really have liked to see you play there.
Thank you for answering Tyr!
It's really bad that you won't play there. But it pays back when you will record another great album. I'm looking foreward to hear it!