Inner Circle review


Reported Type: INTP
Mar 29, 2003
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I Kind of liked this review I've found on , but it's in german, lol. Well there are stuff for problems like that, so here's an "english translation" from one of those babblefish things, which kind of makes it hilarious as well sometimes :)


According to my opinion the best publication in the last year was "Recreation Day", the predecessor album of this current disk Sweden Evergrey. Therefore I with a certain Vorfreude and expectation went to "The internal Circle" ran. In certain way one can adjust oneself to which one gets required, if Evergrey a new plate rausbringen. The trademarks are clearly defined: chopped off, progressive reef, in principle a rather dark tendency and above all the singular singing of Tom the S. Englund. With "The internal Circle" dedicates itself the Mannen from Goeteborg to a indeed complex topic and converts it to a concept album. "Auf the last album played we 'Unforgivable', and remained haengen" for me in the head; means Englund to escape "das topic over people, which abuse children and itself then behind their religion or otherwise which hide, in order the law. It is not verabscheuungswuerdig... we wanted anybody at the Pranger to place, without knowing, about what we talk. It does not concern to make the Christianity finished. It concerns, to Fanatiker too kritisieren!" How up-to-date also the topic of the religious Fanatiker is, one sees each condemned day in the messages. In music one must certify a still larger ripe one than with to Evergrey the predecessor work. Female singing voices are interspersed, orchestra parts skillfully arranged and also the voice of Tom S. Englund became a little more flexible. But which is misplaced me in parts, is this unique Dramatik of "Recreation Day". Naturally the singing heart-tearing up hardly which can be over-bid at Emotionalitaet and is still unique absolutely, but not each Song ignites as so as with last release. Who knows, perhaps are enough approx.. 20 hearing passages and with the hundredth mark illuminating does not only come, but for me this album is not completely so easily accessible. Nothing the despite concerns here it a superbe progressive CD, which must be absolutely bought. Alone the Opener "A Touch OF Blessing" the saved is worth! The much praised "Ambassador" completely so well, but "In The Wake OF The Weary" does not please me; (very much geil) or "Faith Restored" + The of barrier Go Down" "When; (very emotional) I can recommend calm conscience as Anspieltipps! But caution: particularly the two latter are not anything for soft mind!
It has got its ups and downs, however, I usually don't read even half of the stuff on the site. That stuff can get boring very quick, so I'd rather skip most of it and enjoy the highlights, hm...