Innergate is a band from Zagreb, Croatia with six year long history (2 years in present lineup). From the beginning three founding members of Innergate (Sanjin on bass, Kreimir on drums and Tihomir on guitars) were experimenting with metal, developing their own style. Basic characteristics of Innergate's music are heavy metal sound and peculiar, emotional yet powerful female vocal. That was achieved when another two musicians joined Innergate Marijana as lead vocalist and Goran as skilled solo guitar player. Final sound of Innergate can be described as a distinctive blend of classic heavy, trash, progressive and other various metal ingredients, fresh and interesting to listen to. First album of Innergate is about to be released during year 2011.
Chemistry is here, new songs are in progress what's there more to say than: Stay tuned STAY METAL!!!
Killer / Live @ SAX:
Promo video:
You can now listen to our entire album: www.reverbnation.com/innergate
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