Insanity (technical death/thrash pioneers)

Mar 5, 2013

Few upcoming releases warrant the kind of overblown language found in every metal announcement or press release ever written. But I think this one just might. Unspeakable Axe Records and Dark Descent Records are proud to announce the upcoming co-release of Insanity's "Visions of Apocalypse."

Insanity are among a handful of bands with legitimate claim to being some of the true originators of death metal. To this day they play a style much like they did in the mid-80s: thrash metal driven to such levels of chaos and ferocity that it becomes death metal, and death metal with roots enough in Slayer, at al. to remain recognizably thrash. They have been beset with tragedies along the path that have kept them underground and out of the limelight: the untimely passing of original vocalist Joe DeZuniga in 1987, just as they were being courted for the big time (metal-wise, at least); and more recently the loss of Bud Mills, the drummer who pioneered the blast beat and helped set Insanity apart from their less-intense peers. Their debut album was delayed and overlooked, until the underground re-discovered it. Now, years later, it's time for the follow-up to be unveiled. A pre-release version (in effect, demos) has been occasionally available from the band as a tribute to Bud's last performance, informal though it was; now the band is ready to record this material as they meant it to be heard.

Insanity enters the studio this summer to begin tracking, for an expected release date in late 2013. Unspeakable Axe will handle the CD duties, with Dark Descent covering vinyl. More news in the coming months.

Insanity on Facebook -

Preview track from the pre-production version of "Visions," with Bud Mills - "Sacrefixion":
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Insanity CDs arrived today, I'll post a pic a little later; pre-orders and wholesale orders begin shipping Monday.

In the meantime here is the title track playing on our YouTube channel. "Visions of Apocalypse":
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