Instructional guitar DVD


Under the knife
Feb 1, 2004
I read that Chris will be doing an instructional DVD soon. Does anybody know when it will come out, what will be on it, how much it will cost etc???

I need details!
CauldronBorn said:
I read that Chris will be doing an instructional DVD soon. Does anybody know when it will come out, what will be on it, how much it will cost etc???

I need details!
I heard he's trying to get it out before September. But what do I know?
Actually there will be 2 guitar dvd's, according to this interview with Mark.

This is what he said about the instructional dvd's:

I also noticed that you were working on some guitar instructional DVDs.


Can you tell me a bit about it, like who decided the content and are you filming it and doing editing and are you releasing this yourself...etcetera?

It comes out of sort of a need I had myself. I bought all the guitar instructional videos in the 80´s. And almost all of them sucked! They´re great players, I mean, the musicianship is fantastic, but so many of them were like "Look at me now! Look at this fast lick!" Either that or they would say, you know, "Here, I´m gonna teach you how to play this song I wrote." And it was useless for someone like me, who knew how to play the guitar already. I wasn´t a beginner by any stretch, but I wanted to get better. I didn´t really like any of those.

So I just had in my head for years that all these instructional things suck. And one day I actually had a client for a video that had taken lessons from Chris. And this guy was a good musician, he´s a good guitar player and he´s telling me that his playing just got taken to the next level just from lessons with Chris. Coincidentally I ran into this other guy a week later. "I was taking guitar lessons from one of your old guitar players, Christian, and my playing just got so much better." So I talked to both, I talked to Chris in the band and I talked to Christian Lesegue and I asked them about their teaching techniques and what they teach and it was really impressive. These guys are both full time teachers. They´re very knowledgeable about music and it sounded like they really had a lot to off so after I did the Jag Panzer DVD I had a handle on how much it costs to do a DVD since I was involved with the production and everything. I talked to both those guys and said "Do you want to do an instructional DVD?" I did some market research just to see. I just cared that I wasn´t gonna LOSE any money and it doesn´t look like I will. I think we film the first one next month. It´s gonna be good though!

Which one is the first one?

Chris Broderick´s. Your playing will get better from this DVD. Total instruction!

Are you gonna be selling them just through the Jag Panzer site or though Century Media?

Century Media probably will not be interested in this. I´ll sell it on the Jag Panzer site and I´ll probably set up another site. I think Chris has reserved I think so, he just left a message saying "I reserved a website." It´s just an assumption that it´s But it´ll be available as an online order.

The rest of the interview is definitely worth a read as well :kickass:
This is directly from Mark

I (my video production company) will be releasing 2 guitar instruction DVD's this year.

I know....I know.... This has been done about a million times.

However, 99.999% of those released suck. So many of them just show a guy showing off his flashy chops. Or they feature very little valuable content.

So we're doing things a little bit differently.

I wanted guys who teach professionally full time. Skilled players who know how to teach in addition to how to play. I also wanted guitar players who know theory.

So there will be a DVD from Chris Broderick and one from Christian Lesague. Chris Broderick is the lead player for Jag Panzer and Christian used to jam with me in the 80's. Christian has an Eric Johnson type style. He was a metal guy in the 80's but he doesn't play like that anymore.

These instructional DVD's will feature solid content to make you a better player.

They will be $15

Just in case some of you don't know, most of you probably do, but Christian Lesegue was the guitarist on the 'Chain of Command" bootleg!!! An amazing guitar player in his own right. He was my guitar teacher in the '80's

By the way, $15.00 is a STEAL for any/both of these DVD's!!!! :worship:
PanzerRocks said:
Just in case some of you don't know, most of you probably do, but Christian Lesegue was the guitarist on the 'Chain of Command" bootleg!!! An amazing guitar player in his own right. He was my guitar teacher in the '80's

By the way, $15.00 is a STEAL for any/both of these DVD's!!!! :worship:

Whatever happened to him? Did he quit, or was he kicked out of the band? I know he played on the chain of command bootleg, but I don't have any other information. Can you give me some details Earnie???
Harry(not the Tyrant) said:
BTW Chain of Command.The Rock Hard Magazine said that JP are thinking about releasing that one.Is that just a rumour or true?

I think Mark wanted it released, but Century Media turned him down since Harry doesn't sing on that album (the singer is Bob Parduba) and most of the songs were re-recorded on later releases...
The original Chain Of Command has far better chorus IMO, I like it much more compared to Harry's version.