Instrumental Metal Bands???

So I pick up the new Cephalic Carnage yesterday (jonesin for some new music) and I realize I would like this stuff ALOT more if there were no vocals. The cookie monster thing has gotten old (for my tastes).
So....where are the metal bands without vocals??
I think it would be awesome to see more metal bands that scraped the vocals and worried more about the music.
Am I the only one??

I would even like to see a band like Rush take the mic away from Geddy and just throw down some killer jams.
Originally posted by SteevL
There's a band called The Fucking Champs who do instrumental metal, I believe.
YEAH! Although they're somewhat Indie-rock-doing-metal-tongue-in-cheek-style, I still think they're great. A 3-piece, with 2 guitarists and a drummer- one guitarist uses a Strat, one uses an old 70s-looking 9-string gtr (3 strings are doubled, can't remember if it's the low 3 or the high 3, so it's like EEAADDGBE or EADGGBBEE). Good Iron Maiden-y crunch riffs, with some pretty interesting time sig & rhythmic changes. Plus, they can rock on solos. They're great live, too.

Don Caballero would be another interesting group to check out.
I have the second Dysrythmia album (I think it's No Interference but I forget). I quite like it, but just like a lot of instrumental guitar bass and drums trios it gets a bit samey over a long disc. Definitely talented guys though.

Originally posted by xfer
I haven't heard the Champs but there's shit about them in the Boston press all the time, so I gotta check 'em out.
Every time I see them live, it's like there's all these horn-rimmed glasses-wearing indie people there trying to look like they're into it. "Look at me, I like metal!" But they really do put on a pretty good show- not in that they talk to the audience or are personable, but that they play really tightly together and sound exactly like the records, so if you hear the discs, you know exactly what to expect.

I, on the other hand, have not heard Dysrhythmia. Any site links?
Follow the sounds link to the mp3-it page and in the list of songs, to download, click on the yellowish square and a Save to.. dialogue box should pop up. The orange one is to listen I believe.
Word to Dysrhythmia but obviously, I'm biased because my band's first record was a split 10" with them.

Other bands worth checking out:

Don Caballero - Their second album is their prog/metal album. They were very influenced by Confessor although in no way derivative of them on that album.

Orthrelm - Atonal shred guitar over a constant drum solo. None of it is improvised. They're one of my favorite active bands right now and friends of mine from home. My band's next record will be a split 7" with them.

Flying Luttenbachers - 2 extremely distorted and effected basses (one typically plays high and the other plays low) playing tech shit over constant blast beats and fast double bass shit. They've been around for 10 years or so and have made many drastic changes in sound over time. The recording that features the sound I described is called "Infection and Decline".

Spastic Ink - just go read their board on ultimatemetal. They are one of my favorite bands. EVER.
I used to see Weasel Walter from Flying Luttenbachers around when he was doing HateWave. I think I have a tape from a live performance they did on NU's radio station WNUR with Mayhem's Buried By Time and Dust on it. They were great live- instead of the corpsepaint thing, they did a more Night of the Living Dead kind of thing. The guitarist wore a suit and picked fast.
Flying Luttenbachers - 2 extremely distorted and effected basses (one typically plays high and the other plays low) playing tech shit over constant blast beats and fast double bass shit. They've been around for 10 years or so and have made many drastic changes in sound over time. The recording that features the sound I described is called "Infection and Decline".

Isn't this the same band that covered Magma's "De Futura"?
