

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2004
Hey, I was wondering how many of the people on here play instruments. I am a singer and a keyboard player, myself. I can also do basic riffs on a guitar and basic beats on drums. But I am mostly just a singer and keyboardist. So, how many of you play instruments?
Lacrawl said:
Hey, I was wondering how many of the people on here play instruments. I am a singer and a keyboard player, myself. I can also do basic riffs on a guitar and basic beats on drums. But I am mostly just a singer and keyboardist. So, how many of you play instruments?

Do you play in a band?

I play guitar.
I've learned evergrey - mark of the triangle (without solo) recently.
I dont know if the band would mind if Id record it and post it on the forum; i
Its always funny to see how other people play bands songs imo.
I don't know about my singing, but I suppose its not very good.

Today Ive played 5 hours, Im learning yngwie - far beyond the sun.
I think itll take a long time till I can play this; but its fun.
I play guitar (Fairly well for only 2 years, 4 months of experience), drums, bass, and I am very horrible with keyboards, but I know a little bit...And I am also a singer (Death, Black, Thrash, Power, Prog...Etc, etc.)
frankfrank said:
Do you play in a band?

Yeah but recently it's been going slow. Maybe when things start going better again, I will post it in the "Promote Your Band" thread. And do you think you could send a clip of playing Evergrey to me through e-mail? That'd be cool.
I play keys for 9 years now.
I started with piano, but now I'm more into keyboard and synth.

I write music myself and I also produce some music of other people.
I play and wirte in a band, but somehow whe cannot make the band complete.
Always looking for a bassist, lead guitarist and female singer. :S

Ah well, music is my life. I play and write mostly symphonic music.
DarkSoul6 said:
I'm learning to play acoustic guitar. Damn, it's so discourage sometimes. :erk:

Yeah, I'm playing acoustic guitar too (at the moment)
I'm getting an electric guitar (finally) for christmas
Guitar really is discouraging, isn't it? I suppose all of us try to emulate the greats too often. Hell, I don't even know a single full song (aside from Rush's Tears, and even that I'm not sure I've mastererd). Every once in a while, I wonder if it was worth getting my Washburn. But then I sit down and go fucking crazy and realize... yes, I'd be a fucker not to think it was worth it.

So to all the guitarists: what was the first song you learned? Not necessarily full, but what was the first song you tried on your guitar? Mine's Tears (from 2112). That and the intro to Iced Earth's Dark Saga.
Raine Lionheart said:
Guitar really is discouraging, isn't it? I suppose all of us try to emulate the greats too often. Hell, I don't even know a single full song (aside from Rush's Tears, and even that I'm not sure I've mastererd). Every once in a while, I wonder if it was worth getting my Washburn. But then I sit down and go fucking crazy and realize... yes, I'd be a fucker not to think it was worth it.

So to all the guitarists: what was the first song you learned? Not necessarily full, but what was the first song you tried on your guitar? Mine's Tears (from 2112). That and the intro to Iced Earth's Dark Saga.
I usually just get parts from songs that I like and try to learn them. I haven't learned any full songs yet. I think the first one I tried to learn was the main melody from Children of Bodom's "Hate Me!"
guitar for 3-4 years bass for just oiver 4 can play keys and synth stuff fairly well. drums im kinda hopeless at. Ive done lots of recording stuff and some producing and taking courses in audio engineering/producing thought im still 16 :p. I got into college courses at nights.
See above said:
Yeah but recently it's been going slow. Maybe when things start going better again, I will post it in the "Promote Your Band" thread. And do you think you could send a clip of playing Evergrey to me through e-mail? That'd be cool.

Sure, Ill record it later.
It'll take some days cause I don't have recording equipment - Ill record with my moms mp3 player.