Intense musicians


I left it up to you
Anyone who knows me knows that I am always on the look out for amazing live performers. What are some 'intense musicians' you beleive is worth mention?

for me its gotta be:Steve Vai on the top of the list. recently i got into the Mahavishnu Orchestra band out of the 70's the entire lineup embodies the very meaning of intense check it out

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Behemoth are one of the most intense bands I've seen live. I believe one of the dudes from Machine Head said they all look like they're ready to kill someone when they hit the stage. They're just so focused, and the music really benefits from it, its insane.
I haven't seen them in many years, but when I saw Clutch the first couple times in the mid-90's, Neil Fallon used to basically stalk the stage-- he'd have this intense look where he'd basically be staring everyone down in the audience-- kind of looking through them, and he'd saunter around the stage, staring, scowling, and screaming...

I saw Kreator and Vader on tour years back, both of them were really intense, rocked the place.
I agree with Behemoth being intense too, shit was intense when I saw them, I was front row too.
Suffocation was pretty bad ass too when I saw them a few years back, crowd was so energetic.
Oh and Neuraxis are definitely worth mentioning too, I've seen them live 3-4 times now, and every time they've played so tight and with so much intensity. First time I saw them there was about 200 people at the show, the last time I saw them there were only like 30, and they played just as hard at the show where hardly anyone was there. I think there was a snow storm or some shit, but they still came and played like they were in a sold out arena, it was great. :kickass: