Interested in having your music in a rhythm game? (Phase Shift)


Phase Shift Rep
Jan 10, 2012

If you truly are interested in having your bands music in Phase Shift, and want to increase the exposure of your music, heres some info for you:

Phase Shift is a rhythm game, you can say that its like Guitar Hero, or Rockband, but you cannot say that its a clone of those games, Phase Shift is a very unique rhythm game on its own, it has many features that those of mainstream games doesn't have

We have been needing music in which would be available for free to download when new people decide to download the game, we do not have "limited spots" we would always appreciate any and all music by any of you great new, or already successful bands. If you decided to allow us the usage of your tracks as downloadables for the game, we would need full master tracks, to some of you it seems like alot to ask for, but this is the reason why full master tracks are better than just 1 file for your song

Phase Shift can play a full song, in sync as master tracks, the reasons for having master tracks in the game (or stems) is because, when you miss a note in the game, the sound for the instrument your playing will go off, for example, if you miss the kick notes for the drums, only the kick goes off until you hit a kick note, if you miss a guitar note in the song, the guitar sound goes off, everything else will still be playing

we can convert the audio, best format for you to send would be the highest quality you had it in

your songs will be under a "Creative Commons license"
we will not sell your songs, we will not remix them

we will give you (the band) full credits for the song in the tags, we can even put a link to your website if you like (optional)

now heres the format of seperate tracks phase shift reads

guitar.ogg - Guitar
rhythm.ogg - Bass / Rhythm Guitar
keys.ogg - Keys / piano

drums.ogg - merged Drum Mix
if you want to enable full split drums these can be used instead of the merged drums.ogg

drums_1.ogg - Kick Drum
drums_2.ogg - Snare Drum
drums_3.ogg - Cymbals
drums_4.ogg - Toms

vocals.ogg - Normal Vocal Mix

similar to drums instead of a merged vocals this can be split into
vocals_1.ogg - Lead Vocals
vocals_2.ogg - Backing Vocals

song.ogg - mixdown of all other song audio that isn't seperated

If you have tabs, the game has support for real guitar gameplay, like in rockband 3
and now has support for Real Keys!

Comment or Email me at, you can ask me anything regarding this opportunity, or questions about your stems

for more info on the game, visit these links:

Main Website:

Phase Shift Forums:

Dev Youtube Channel:
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Is there a time limit on this? I have demos at the moment but nothing I'd want to realease. Our EP however will be done soon.
Is there a time limit on this? I have demos at the moment but nothing I'd want to realease. Our EP however will be done soon.

This isn't a limited time offer, as long as our charting team is alive, we will keep charting songs, if you want to see more songs that we charted, visit here
also, if your curious as to how the music is distributed, you can download one of the songs there and check it out

Thank you
I will be sending a song in momentarily.
I send it and the stems to your email at right?

indeed that is correct, thank you for your donation :)



I have received your song outbreak525, I'm digging the tune, great stuff :)
I just wanted to ask you if you have tabs for the guitar and sheet music for keys, we can put real guitar notes and keys into the game if available, also asking for lyrics for vocals

here is how real keys and guitar is like

1 more thing, we are able to add I think 2 links to anything you want, such as band website or facebook etc. into the songs loading screen, for if the players want to visit they can just press the said buttons to open the browser with the link.

Thank You
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Thank you mucho dude!
We have the song on TabIt, do you accept those kind of files?

sure, one of us can figure it out ;)

I wanted to ask you something, while I was marking the bpm it got complicated :0, does your song change bpm in the middle of the song? also, if possible can you tell me the bpm, I can't seem to get it right