Interesting article on Metal's resurgence...

I hate to see some "journalists" giving sudden attention to metal, like it "dissapeared" and now it is back. It was always there,underground, upperground, whatever-ground, it was THERE, THEY were just ignoring it, and now that companies want to make it commercial, THEY pay attention to it again.
IOfTheStorm said:
I hate to see some "journalists" giving sudden attention to metal, like it "dissapeared" and now it is back. It was always there,underground, upperground, whatever-ground, it was THERE, THEY were just ignoring it, and now that companies want to make it commercial, THEY pay attention to it again.

I'd have to agree. Good post.
Stop putting Zod at the end of every post, makes you look like a prick.

I'll stop... the power of your ever so deep signature really shows me how intellectual you are. I give up! :)
Not bad and it managed to convince me to reserve a place for Minsk in my next haul, but it does make a few crucial mistakes, like heaping praise upon bands that haven't completely shaken off traces of lolcore yet (though I certainly commend them for trying.)

Bryan - normally I wouldn't sign my posts, but I hate it when people get all hissy about insignificant bullshit