Interesting cover art w/not so obvious underlying meaning


Jul 22, 2007
The Rush thread just reminded me of my highschool years and graduation. For our Senior Ball the most beautiful girl in our class painted a huge mural of Uriah Heeps Demons and Wizards album cover. Just 4 years ago or so, I drug the tatered old album out and was looking it over when I was slapped in the face by what I never saw.

Anyone have a cover art thats more than meets the eye ?

The Rush thread just reminded me of my highschool years and graduation. For our Senior Ball the most beautiful girl in our class painted a huge mural of Uriah Heeps Demons and Wizards album cover. Just 4 years ago or so, I drug the tatered old album out and was looking it over when I was slapped in the face by what I never saw.

Anyone have a cover art thats more than meets the eye ?


What am I supposed to be seeing?
The tree from which the water of life flows is the union of a man and woman. The Wizard ? Not sure, I think theirs a piece of the Wizard in everyones mind. Prehaps the search of knowledge. Its more obvious on the full size album. But theres alot more than a mans anatomy in there. I was pretty discusted in myself for missing this but I was young when I played this dayly. Still I used to check it out while it was playing and apparently only lived in the fantacy world the cover and music portrays on the surface. I wish this band had progressed rather than regressed after the mid 70's. I guess they just didnt have enough good ideas. They were over repititive and rehashed alot of simple stuff as it was.

Pharoah - I remember Abraxax, someone had it, we never bought doubles, one of us would buy this and the other that. Isnt Abraxas the album with Europa on it ? Still one of my alltime favorite guitar pieces, along with Kid Charlemagne.
I don't think there's much trickery or specialty in this cover. I've seen others that are far more notable.

Is this the same guy that said great guitar playing is as much about feel as it is flash

:lol: Ok grumble butt. Never said anything about "trickery" or speciality but I did say this

"Anyone have a cover art thats more than meets the eye ?"

so put it up if youve got one, that is after all what the topic was about ...

This painting ? I used to think there was a face of sorts because I let the eclipse fool me. But sorry thats not a face at all. I now see the meaning of the artwork and the eclipse is part of it.
I know Ive seen it somewhere but otherwise wouldnt know where to start, so like, the name of the artist might be a good start. Then I might honestly put the effort into it. One has his eyes toward the sun ... if it were dimensional ... and one hiding in the shade and darkening the sky is all I get so far ........... guess the easy questions are too much ? It not a very special or trickery cover anyhow, kinda flat and dull.