Interesting link

What language is this? Is it Japanese or Korean? If it's Japanese, I know someone who can translate...

By the way, I hear "Eagle Fly Free" is going to become the new Japanese national anthem... :lol:
ok i'll tell you, as JayKeely knocked at my door! (you know Steve, Jay and John are one of the coolest people who i met in Atlanta)

1st Link

Your most favorite song! Ranking
the boxes are :
1. Artist search.. choose Power Quest :) you can see the result
2. Song Title search
3. "Type of the Song" search
4. handle name search

and the list of the ranking

2nd Link
search result for Power Quest
1st line
related keyword:
melodias pop/catchy melodias speed metal

2nd line
related artist:
(as you can see)

3rd line
Listen to this song! Buy this CD!
(song name and gained point) (album name and gained point)

(view the post about these songs) (view the post about these albums)

4th Line

Let's talk about Power Quest!
very high quality sound and i can hardly believe it's done by a new comer! you can listen to their sound @ so check them out!
by Sada

you can post your own message filling the box below
first column is for comment, and the second is for your name
left check box is for new post and right one is to edit.

3rd Link is in Korean so i have no idea..

so how is every member doing?? hope they are all doing great!!

yeah i'm sure he loves your music!
and i have one more to translate for you.. i'll send it later, it's a quite good review but even i can write a good review(although i'm not a good reviewer i mean) after listening to your CD! :D

great to hear that everyone doing well! i'll send you something shortly,
but don't expect too much, it's not a christmas present, but a questionnarie! :D
haha! And there was me looking forward to a nice present! hehe! Only joking....I look forward to receiving your questions for sure.

I try and get the other guys to post here but they seem to leave it up to me most of the time....nevermind!
Originally posted by junnie from the east
ok i'll tell you, as JayKeely knocked at my door! (you know Steve, Jay and John are one of the coolest people who i met in Atlanta)

Awww, you're too kind Junnie! :)

Small world - looks like you guys all know each other already. Is there anyone in the power metal world that our lovable Junnie doesn't know!?

Good thing too - since she introduced me to Edu from Angra over dinner at ProgPower... :)
junko, your to kind. :oops: I really enjoyed finally meeting you. Everybody was great. about taking PQ on the road to Japan and I'll meet you guys out there and we can visit Junnie!

Underground Zine Scene