Interesting review from that i recieved...

Djent? lol
But I feel the Soilwork vibe too
Overall the review was :lol:

edit: oh, sorry forgot the most important thing:
the music rocks :headbang:
I wouldnt worry about that review ,Its obviously nick picky to the point of forgetting to talk more about the music ,the only real ref is to another band that many people will find interested enough to check it out.
A good slagging often works out as good Promotion esp if it looks nick picky as this one does.
dont worry about this..all what matters is that you enjoy and like the music you do, and dont care bout what some people say or write.
critics are good if there are constructive
but this is just a bunch of shitty words that insult you personally..
have you noticed that he hasnt written much about your music anyway.. except that it is solid and not too bad.

Probably this guy is just very unhappy about his own life...
Thank you to all of you guys in here for taking your time to read, and even maybe listen to the stuff ...
Actually, i haven't sent this review in here in order to whine and complain... ;)
Like I've said, i find this review interesting...:)
Especially the pompous title, including very popular band, (which i like, too), + "infamous" modern metal sub-genre, all in one...
Great media exposure...
Hence, I find it to be potentially a very good thing for me in promotional sense...!
ps: thanks also for the support to all of you!