Yeah but didn't scary farm come AFTER? I think it had to do with money....he doesn't get royalties I believe on anything he's done for Maiden and after they made it big he probably tried re-nogiating his contract and they wouldn't budge...just guessing here....
Yeah, the Knott's Scary Farm ads didn't appear until within the last 5 years. Originally I thought that Knott's was ripping off Maiden and Riggs until I found out that Riggs was actually the artist.
I bet they have "dancing bald masked chicks" on this tour. Like BNW w/ those virgins. DAMMIT I wanna be a dancing bald chick! Eventhough I'm a much better singer than dancer and my dancing skills put others at risk...I'm the singer my sister's the dancer...okay?
If I remember correctly, Riggs was doing artwork for the Wickerman single, and Maiden kept changing it and changing their minds... sor Riggs got fed up and told them to shove it....
I really liked the artwork he did for Bruce's Accident of Birth record
They have limited edition Dance Of Death shirts available now (individually numbered!) with an equally interesting design of a....what is that riding on the wolf?