
dang, way too long an article to read after spending way too long on the computer at work...

I will try to read later, just posting so you don't feel that everyone is ignoring you...
Within each website, participants could see what others at that site had already downloaded. So each of the eight sites functioned as a parallel world, with its own, self-contained top of the pops chart.

The results were illuminating - and depressing, if you want to believe that you like certain songs because they are intrinsically good. In each of the parallel worlds, a handful of songs snowballed into hits, receiving far higher ratings than the others. But in each world, different songs became hits. In one example, a throbbing guitar track by the band 52metro came first in one world and 40th out of 48 in another. People were choosing songs on the basis not of quality but of how popular they already were. "We use the behaviour of others as a shortcut for ourselves,"
Are you a hardcore Van Halen fan who secretly likes Norah Jones? Well, that's OK now - they share the same cluster.
thanx, I feel better now.
wheres that country soprano rapper he was tlakin bout...i wanna hear THAT song...!!!.......PEAC EOUT
interestign read......i mena...we already know how many of these pop artist HAVE to conform to certain dicisions made for them by their record producers/ its not a problem .....even if this software comes out..only the feeble and fakey pop ppl will be forced or willing to use it...there are always artists adn musicnas who only crave adn thrive on oringial adn thought provoking expressions....tehy've always been around...adn will be aroudn for a long while...!!!!....this is only a threat for listneers who rely on top 40 for thier enjoyment....actual music lovers will always be diggin through local record stores for thier real artists...!!!.......PEAC EOUT
I think it would mean a bit more if they were willing to explain what each artist in a cluster has in common.