International metal project - join in!


Jul 27, 2005
Split, Croatia
Hello everyone,

My name is Dave and I'm a 20 year old metal head hailing from the distant country of Croatia. What I wanna do is an idea I had for a long time, so let me start from the begining. I personaly, have been involved, as a vocalist/songwriter, in some local Croatian metal acts for some time, their music varying from experimental, industrial, to black metal. The problem is, I have always felt something missing while playing in those bands, because I always wanted to be a part of a death or thrash metal band, the kind of music that isn't very popular in my area (as you probbably know everybody is playing the nu or black metal these days). That situation forced me to think outside of the boundaries of my country for the purpouse od creating sort of an international metal project, with enthusiastic people, who would be willing to play either death or thrash metal. I'd like to know if anyone interested in joining the project. I own an amateur home studio and the music making would be done by sending the ideas vice-versa through the e-mail. Unfortunately I don't have a recording of me singing death metal (it's very brutal, I assure you), but If you wanna hear my thrash inerpretation I would be glad to send you a clip (FYI I sound a bit like a vocalist from Destruction). Any expirienced or semi-expirienced musicians (guitar or bass players), which have basic knowledge in audio recording are welcome to contact me on

Best regards,