International record Store Day.

April 19th is being named "International Record Store Day" as an attempt to gain attention to the independent record store which are dying a slow death these days mostly due to downloading and corporate music shopping centres.
Most underground music fans and musicians will recognise the importance and character of these shops and on this day around the world it is hoped that support from as many of you as possible can be gained.
In America many artists will be appearing and performing in stores to show their support. METALLICA for instance is doing their first instore signing session in 10 years for the event.
So if your looking for something to do on April 19th find your local independent record store and go on in. I personally will find it a sad day when/if these shops become just a memory. They have been and still are a big part of my musical life.
For more info check this out:
Saw that COG did a special instore appearance/signing in Utopia for this day.
Lots of kiddies in there hopefully seeing the tangible side of music past the computer downloading screen.
Hopefully next year with more promotion indie record shops can make this day somewhat bigger as the buzz about it at least in my area was on the small side.
Now run off and buy some vinyl people.:headbang:
A world without record shops seems like a very sad one indeed. :cry:

The day there are no record stores is the day I stop paying for music. I'll never pay for an audio download. Ever.

*edit* Ok, so I did pay to download the Toehider EP, but only because it's a great Aussie release that isn't available physically. If it were through a label though, I wouldn't have.
Not really, I figure my antics over shadow the mediocrity of the band I'm in... so it's handy to mention it sometimes. Speaking of which! You can download our entire back catalogue if you read our blog on myspace!!
I really hope they continue again with this idea again this year as independent record shops really need your support more than ever.
Please help and don't let all the character and feel dissapear from Heavy Music for good. These shops have always been a big part of the music we all love.:kickass:

I'll let you know more details about this years event when i can.