Internet explorer 8 = Horrible


Dec 15, 2007
What a piece of shit. Why can microsoft not just go for a simpler is better product that is clean and doesnt look like rubbish.

I installed 8 beta 2, and it looks piss poor and crashed on the second or third website I visited. Also, they seem to have ripped a load of features from firefox, like using the address bar to search favorites. Its so cluttered and full of shite that you don't need.

Being microsoft, they are making it as difficult as possible to reinstall 7.

so in summary :Puke::Puke::Puke::Puke:

Hahahaha, for shame dude! I've been using it for like 4 years, I can't believe there are still people using IE at all anymore!
Firefox has never been stable on my pc, every version I try locks up completely and forces me to re-start. Ive got it on my PC and use it occasionally for fussy sites.

IE does the same but only crashes the browser.

I've been testing IE 8 for a while and its just so unneccesary. It has a button called compatibility view which stops wierd shit happening, for instance, without it on, typing in this box makes vertical text :lol: Why can they not cut all the crap and have an ultra stable browser? Maybe they feel as though they need to add stuff to make it seem better. It isn't.

Ill probably spend an hour or so tommorow trying to get firefox stable because its much nicer to use than IE, and doesnt have a de-crap button.

I LOVE firefox but i have to have win-safari installed too cause i need to sync bookmarks to iphone and apple refuse to support mozilla.
IE has been lose for a while. Firefox has made the whole browsing thing so much easier.

Microsoft have this way of getting software development so very very wrong. Just makes me wish we could get away with using another OS on PCs.
Firefox, way better than IE, but lately im having some little problems with it, but maybe is just my old computer.
Never had an issue with FireFox to date, been using it for years as well. I am LOVING fireFTP right now. At work our systems are all programmed for IE5 (:lol:) so we're stuck using it BUT since IEtabs came out it has been AWESOME. I hated having an IE window and a FireFox window open to do multi-tasking. Now everything is in one browser that kicks ass.
