Internet side gigs

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Any of you vunts make any spare cambio via the internet? I recently submitted an excerpt to, received a two star for what I thought was the "average phone it in" writing that these teats were looking for. Nevertheless despite an unfavorable review, I was accepted as an "author". Now that I know that these yentas are looking for dry non-opinionated writing, I'll be going in that direction to get my rating up over the next 5 excerpts. Target level is a 4, that's where the bulk of the higher paid writing assignments are.

If any of ye lads are looking for some side dough, check out that website, a half assed article will garner you anywhere from $3-10 bucks for an easy 300-500 word article.

i've been utilizing my meagre talents drawing logos for some folks for e-z paypal money

otherwise, not much

i already spend 8 hours a day sitting at a computer doing shit for money
Well I just wrote a 300 word shill on a movie that isn't out in theaters or know fuck all about.

Next up, a shill on a graph for a telephone company. This kind of sucks ass, and at $2 a pop isn't really worth my time.

It's good for you college kids though. :D
Erik = the 1% :mad: :loco:

I did something like that a few times. A few music reviews for Bits of News (?) and some political thing I can't remember. I think I cleared $5 or so for a few articles. La-dee-freakin-da.

I know some guys that do the whole 5 jobs at a time thing since making real money in Tha Music Biz is next to impossible, but fuck all that. My spare time is far more valuable than to go home and build fuzz pedals in my garage at night for extra chump change. More power to them of course, honestly I'm just a lazy pussy.

That being said, please post some of your stuff Jerry. I'm sure even the tamed down material will be awesome. :eek:
man. you swedes are part of the corporate machine. working jobs you hate so you can buy things you dont need to impress people you dont care about.
Only somewhat true.
I have no idea what a good salary for the US is. What are you guys making a month and how much of it do you give away in taxes?
You can cut roughly 25% off my figures and what's left pays the bills.
it depends where you live. in Texas, where I am, you can live comfortably on $60000/year. whereas in California or new york that would buy you a tent on a corner and maybe a corndog.

taxes vary. but usually you can assume 25%-30% will go to taxes
I'm a CEO and I make around $3,100 a month. Something like 27% goes to taxes.

I used to make $6,600 a month in construction. Fuck that life. Never want it again.
Dude I was unemployed for a year and it was pretty much the greatest thing ever. My wife worked, and I collected unemployment, but we didn't have many bills and I was the cheapest motherfucker ever during that time, so nothing bad happened. I played in 3 or more bands at once, gigged constantly, read a giant pile of books, exercised daily, got healthy, and slept 10 hours a day. It was fucking glorious.

Of course, once every 3 weeks I'd panic for an hour wondering if I was ever going to work again, but seriously, best 365 day stretch ever.
You pay more % taxes than I do, and I'm fairly well paid, like 50% more than the average swede.
I still get a hell of a lot more free benefits for my tax dollars. Sweden is known for our high taxes, what's up?

I'm just gonna state some facts:

School from 1-12th grade is free. The books and meals are free.
Healthcare is more or less free. You pay a token sum if you have to spend the night in a hospital or for being examined or treated by a doctor.
Medicine is highly subsidised (hope that is the right word).
Dental care is free up to the age of 18.
College/University educations are free. You pay for the books only. You can loan money at a very low rate to pay for your living costs while you study.

Erik can probably add more to the list.
You pay a token sum if you have to spend the night in a hospital or for being examined or treated by a doctor.
Dental care is free up to the age of 18.
Token sum is something like $10/night if my memory serves me right
Dental care 'til 20 I think
We have good roads
We have good internets
Our old get taken care of

Also we have some not so good stuff but overall life's feckin grand in this here country y'all
US taxes are an abomination. Pay too much, get too little. Oh well.

I thought Sweden and other forms of EU only had "high taxes" if you were one of those Tea Party types in the US telling everyone how all taxes were terrible for everything?

You know, because public safety, education, health, and overall good is a terrible, terrible thing.
Isn't Sweden's cost of living incredibly high? But I am surprised that you guys pay a similar tax rate than us, but that is the difference when you have a massive army waging war all the time
I'm a CEO and I make around $3,100 a month. Something like 27% goes to taxes.

I used to make $6,600 a month in construction. Fuck that life. Never want it again.

Hmm. So if I move to Cali and can't get work in IT, I can fall back on construction.

i think NAD had an office job during the booming bubble years? they juuuust started building new shit again, if that's what you were thinking. not a lot of 'construction work' the last few years...
if you want work, come to texas and join the oilfield. it's booming down here, though most people are wimps and can't take the heat
Hmm. So if I move to Cali and can't get work in IT, I can fall back on construction.


i think NAD had an office job during the booming bubble years? they juuuust started building new shit again, if that's what you were thinking. not a lot of 'construction work' the last few years...
Yarp. You'll need a time machine set to pre-2007 to cash in there. And if you have that kind of technology at your disposal, I highly recommend engaging in something other than on-site construction estimating.