
Haha, I do remember, it wasn't even windows os.

Lyrics for Monster Woodoo Machine's song Suffersystem :cool:

And I was amazed I found them!

Edit: Actually, I was mistaken, it wasn't Suffersystem but Bastard Is as Bastard Does.
coax? kin hell. you dont need the internet to find them drivers, you need an archaeologist :tickled:

up till last year we still had a few clients with combo ether/coax cards in em :erk:
its true but, we dont let the wimmen in our IT dept mess with the servers and all that, they can do reports and data stuff tho, cos thats like tech-gossip but keep em away from the hardware :Spin:
hehe, then there's deffo sth wrong with me, too much testosteron, I guess . :Smug: I loooooove messin with the hardware (routers, servers, racks and our latest toys a real SAN) and best of all, I'm good at it. :cool: