Interview with Bruce... stolen from the Bruce bb

Keyser Soze

Anti-Social Socialist
May 28, 2002
at work....
Thanks GOR! This appeared on Metal Hammer Greece (all the bad spelling is from the source, mind you...)
What does the cockpit offer you that music can't?

About 40.000 feet and 600 miles per hour maybe? (laughs) Probably taking important decisions i a different inviroment. The difference is like the difference between the manager and the singer of a band. And I'd love to be the manger for a band, but I don't think they would!

Why not?

Probably because I would ask them to be the singer! In this job, it is difficult for a performer to be accepted in another field of work. Look at the singers that became actors, what critisism they got for example. If they hadn't been famous, no one would have cared.

And the fact that you are a pilot the next day, doesn't it make you change your post-gig habbits?

I don't have any post-gig habbits to be honest. If you're asking me if I can go drunk, the answer is "no". Besides, being a singer is stressful from a social point of view as well, because 9 times out of 10 you have to leave early, or not to stay in a bar full of smoke for exaple. So, one way or the other, I am limited and that goes for piloting too.

Which member of the band is scared the most when you are piloting?

Initialy it was Steve, 'cause he isn't too keen of flying anyway. But I took him once in a small 8-seater airplain and once he saw the technology in the cockpit - since he is intrested in such things - he liked the experience. Many don't like flights because they don't feel in control. After that, there is no problem though.

And how do you find enough time to be in a band like Iron Maiden and to be a pilot at the same time?

Many times, you can't have everything. Nevertheless, the good thing with the company I work for is that it has charter flights and I can take a vacation withought getting payed or I can work every sencond day. So I asked them to work on half-pay from June 'till February, and what I did is work full time when we where not touring and the rest of the time just fill in hours whenever I could, to be ok. After March I will return to full time piloting.

Have you ever flown another band to it's destination?

No, but I have flown with many football teams. Once there was an opportunity to fly with the English National Team to the Balkans and it got out in the press that I did, but it wasn't so, because at 5 am I go to work and they twell me "No! You're going to Rhoads!". It comes with the job though.

You're not the only musician who is also a pilot you know. Steve Morse of Deep Purple is also one you know.

Yes, he used to fly with Delta airlines. We are quite a few, we've even formed a pilot band at work! We play at parties and so on! We have a Brittish Airways pilot on hammond, a boeing 777 on bass... For some reason we haven't found a pilot who is a drummer yet. (laughs)

You often fly to the Greek islands but Maiden won't be doing the same...

Yes, I know and as far as I am concearned it's a great shame. I wish I could load the band and the gear on a plane and come over. I know the greek fans and that the album is doing great there. Initialy, the tour was supposed to start off from Bulgary and Greece, but that didn't hapen. We will however make it to Greece sometime for sure, it is a very important country for us.