Interview with Henkka-28 october


Oct 10, 2004
Interview With Children Of Bodom's Henkka
I found this on the net..thought u might wanna read it..:)

On October 26th, I had the pleasure of interviewing the bassist Henkka T. Blacksmith from one of my favourite bands, Finland's Children of Bodom. I brought my friend Jen along to sort of help out. And I gotta say Henkka was really nice and was cool enough to put up with our strange sense of humour, though he may have been weirded out a bit. My apologies if some of my questions may seem rather stupid and redundant but I've been suffering from major sleep deprivation due to the late-night cramming sessions.

darkstar: How's the tour so far with Fear Factory and Lamb of God?

Henkka: It's been good. I think we're about halfway through the tour now. Almost every show has been sold out. There's a lot of people. And the bands are very nice. It's been great for us.
darkstar: Do you guys all get along?

Henkka: Yeah, of course.
darkstar: How is the North American crowd different from the European crowd?

Henkka: I would say there's not much difference from the European crowd. It depends. In Europe, we have a lot of differences. For example, between the Finnish crowd and the Spanish crowd, there's a huge difference. But in here, the crowd is like central Europe. There's not much difference, I would say.
darkstar: What's your favourite country to tour in and why?

Henkka: I would say maybe Japan because everything there is well organized and they treat you like you're rock stars. In Japan, everything is so small and easy, you don't have to care about everything by yourself. Everything is taken care of. It's a nice place to play.
darkstar: So you can be lazy and get everyone to do everything for you?

Henkka: They'll do it anyway.
darkstar: Any plans for a headlining tour anytime soon?

Henkka: Yeah, we have plans but we don't know yet. I hope the next tour would be headlining. But it's hard to say. Depends how the next record will go and we'll see.
darkstar: Are you guys recording soon?

Henkka: In March.
darkstar: Do you know when you'll put out a new album?

Henkka: I think it should be out in the summer.
darkstar: If you could tour with any band, who would you like to tour with the most?

Henkka: Touring with Slayer because they're so good and they're so big so it'll be nice to play.
darkstar: What's the craziest thing that has happened on one of your tours?

Henkka: There's a lot of small crazy things happening all the time. For example, the last tour, the driver of ours getting into jail in the middle of the tour. That wasn't so funny. That was crazy. He was deliberately bumping into a car and the cops saw it and put him to jail. For a while we went without a driver, but then we got a new driver.
darkstar: What's your favourite song to play live?

Henkka: "Hate Crew Deathroll."
darkstar: Why did you guys change your name from Inearthed to Children of Bodom? Was it because of the story behind the name?

Henkka: It was just because we had to because we got a new record deal and we had to get out of the old one. That's the only to kinda like split a band and start a new one.
darkstar: Why did you decide to go with Children of Bodom?

Henkka: Bodom, the lake is in the town where we're from... It's just a name.
darkstar: What bands have influenced your sound the most?

Henkka: When it comes to the band, there are a lot of bands, from all the metal scenes there is. From Ywgvie Malmsteen to Dimmu Borgir and everything in between. Maybe you can hear it in the music. And when it comes to mine, personally, metal bands mostly. For example, In Flames. I just need newer stuff. I was never into Black Sabbath. Metallica, In Flames, Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Flea's my favourite bass player.
darkstar: If you weren't in a band right now, what would you be doing?

Henkka: I'll probably be studying.
darkstar: Studying what?

Henkka: Political science, political history. I study now too. If I wasn't playing here, I'd be studying. I try to do both.
darkstar: What's your favourite album by another band?

Henkka: Lately, I've been listening to Killswitch Engage. Their new album is good. Just lately, I've been listening it to a lot.
darkstar: Do you have anything to say to your fans?

Henkka: It's good to be back in Canada. I look forward to playing. Hopefully, we'll do a headlining tour next year. There are plans and I hope we can do it.
"There's a lot of small crazy things happening all the time. For example, the last tour, the driver of ours getting into jail in the middle of the tour. That wasn't so funny. That was crazy. He was deliberately bumping into a car and the cops saw it and put him to jail. For a while we went without a driver, but then we got a new driver."
Cool driver...
thanks for the interview too...