

Thrash 'Til Death!!
Aug 7, 2005
has anyone read the interviews of scythes of bodom, i read the one with henkka and janne with metal zine and someone else. it was interesting, and i must say i enjoyed the part where they said follow the reaper, children of bodom, everytime i die and silent night, bodom night were gunna be in the setlist, now i really want to see them (if they come to england on their next tour)
Just talk about the interviews and stuff, and maybe your views on how janne said fuck off if you dont like the new stuff lol
my computer was gay i didnt get to vote, when i went to vote it siad you have already voted even though i hadn't so i went back everyday but it said the same thing so i didnt get to vote:(
Hmmm...I somehow ended up voting 3 times! The songs i wanted got on the setlist!:)
someone from here pm'd me an interview with them where they basically said fuck the fans when it comes to their music... imo if they don't care what their fans think, then eventually they will have no fans. they really are batting a million with AYDY and an interview that says fuck the fans. as for these interviews, i haven't read them yet, nor do i know where the one from my pm is from
oceanqueen44 said:
^This is what happens when certain things are taken out of context... I bet I know where the quote came from: The fucktards at Bravewords...... They posted that part in their news section WITHOUT posting the WHOLE interview and that quote made Janne and the rest of COB look bad. Here is a link to that interview and what they really said:
thats where it came from, but no, it wasn't taken out of context... and from reading the whole interview, i still get that whole fuck the fans vibe.
Elysian893 said:
thats where it came from, but no, it wasn't taken out of context... and from reading the whole interview, i still get that whole fuck the fans vibe.

ML: So what do you think how the fan reaction will be about your new album?

Janne: It´s a funny thing, because, of course you could never know how the fan reaction is going to be. So one funny thing is, and well I´m about to say is on the base, what I read on the message board on the webpage, everytime we release something new, people are like “this is so much worse than the stuff before” and I like to remind just, you know, like we said, we are just doing what we feel like doing. We don´t think about that. We don´t think “now we should do metalcore”, “now we should do fucking punkrock”, we just do what we feel like doing. And that´s why I think we don´t even need to care at all what fans think. You cannot think about that, it´s gonna ruin your band and your music and your whole fucking carreer. If you just all the time think about your fans and please them musicwise, when it comes to making the music. Of course on tour, whatever we try to, you know, really be there for the fans, really fucking rock of for them and do the best we can for the fans. But when making the album it´s a dangerous thing to think about the fans.

We just do our own thing. And if people don´t like it they can fuck off. You know, we just do our own thing.

Let me clarify: They write music that they like and hope their fans like it as well, just like all musicians do. However, they do not take orders from their fans as to what kind of music they write. But, as Janne said:

We just do our own thing. And if people don´t like it they can fuck off.

That means that they do care about their fans but aren't willing to be slaves to them. And bands are always losing and winning fans because a band's fanbase isn't static. Just because there are current fans who don't like the latest album doesn't mean there aren't people who have just heard of Children of Bodom that do.
Morrigu20 said:
Let me clarify: They write music that they like and hope their fans like it as well, just like all musicians do. However, they do not take orders from their fans as to what kind of music they write. But, as Janne said:

That means that they do care about their fans but aren't willing to be slaves to them. And bands are always losing and winning fans because a band's fanbase isn't static. Just because there are current fans who don't like the latest album doesn't mean there aren't people who have just heard of Children of Bodom that do.

thanks, you saved my time :)

*spam* ;)
"we just do what we feel like doing. And that´s why I think we don´t even need to care at all what fans think. You cannot think about that, it´s gonna ruin your band and your music and your whole fucking carreer."

Naw janne, it's NOT listening to your true fans that fucks up a band....