Into Eternity must be cursed in Tampa, FL


May 4, 2003
Ocala, FL, USA
Dude - want to talk about royally upset... went to see IE on the Amorphis tour and they got sick the night before and had to cancel off the tour (stuff happens ya know)... well... last night went to go see IE at the same club (Masquerade) on this tour... doors opened at 7pm... got there at 7:55pm... the freaking IDIOTS at the club decided that IE had to go on at 7:30!!!!!!! I MISSED THE WHOLE SET - 0 for 2 in the past two months trying to see them in Tampa... many people were upset that the club put them on so ridiculously early...

On the bright side I was able to hang with Tim, Stu, and Troy and I accompanied them to dinner where they pigged out like royalty (at a japanese kotobuki type resturant) and had a grand old time... IE is definitely made up of some of the coolest guys in metal... all hail IE!!!!!
Damn I was about to leave my house at 7.. and I would've missed it if I went (since I like an hour away). but I didn't go anyway because my brother is a bastard.. and that's how it is. kdjfsdklfdgkl least you got to hang out with them.. that's coooooool.
DrAnguish said:
Dude - want to talk about royally upset... went to see IE on the Amorphis tour and they got sick the night before and had to cancel off the tour (stuff happens ya know)... well... last night went to go see IE at the same club (Masquerade) on this tour... doors opened at 7pm... got there at 7:55pm... the freaking IDIOTS at the club decided that IE had to go on at 7:30!!!!!!! I MISSED THE WHOLE SET - 0 for 2 in the past two months trying to see them in Tampa... many people were upset that the club put them on so ridiculously early...

On the bright side I was able to hang with Tim, Stu, and Troy and I accompanied them to dinner where they pigged out like royalty (at a japanese kotobuki type resturant) and had a grand old time... IE is definitely made up of some of the coolest guys in metal... all hail IE!!!!!
So that was you that I saw walk out with Tim and Stu. There were probably only about 50 people there that got to see IE play because they put them on so early because a lot of people didn't start coming in until 8, which was the start time last time I was there. Sorry you missed their set though, because even though it was short it was still great. They wont be coming back to Florida for a pretty long time :erk: but hopefully the Monterrey Metal Fest dvd will be released soon so that can tide us Floridians over for a while.
Takashi said:
So that was you that I saw walk out with Tim and Stu. There were probably only about 50 people there that got to see IE play because they put them on so early because a lot of people didn't start coming in until 8, which was the start time last time I was there. Sorry you missed their set though, because even though it was short it was still great. They wont be coming back to Florida for a pretty long time :erk: but hopefully the Monterrey Metal Fest dvd will be released soon so that can tide us Floridians over for a while.

Yep that was me... I was so freaking pissed at that club man... who in their right mine does that... and what would they have done if it was still a five band bill? Started a band at 6:45? Thats gay. IE and Incantation were done before the sun went down...

I;ve got a lot of problems with that place anyway. My band has played that place twice and both times (one of which we headlined an all local show) we had to PAY their light man to run the stage lights. He was employed by the club but was milking the bands to have anything more than house lights... That place just makes me mad dude!
Why do you think IE won't be coming back there for a long time? They'll be there with Hammerfall/Edguy in a month and Stratovarius in two months.

And I HATE it when a club does that shit. No way to promote a band nor is it good practice to do that to fans. But, that place is notorious for stuff like that, so I'd just always advise to get there when doors open, especially if the first couple opening bands are who you want to see. :( I'm so sorry. But yes, at least you got to hgang out with them! :loco:
Squeak said:
Why do you think IE won't be coming back there for a long time? They'll be there with Hammerfall/Edguy in a month and Stratovarius in two months.

And I HATE it when a club does that shit. No way to promote a band nor is it good practice to do that to fans. But, that place is notorious for stuff like that, so I'd just always advise to get there when doors open, especially if the first couple opening bands are who you want to see. :( I'm so sorry. But yes, at least you got to hgang out with them! :loco:

They are going on tour with those two bands yes... but neither tour is coming within a nuclear bomb fallout area of Florida... I checked earlier and the closest show on either tour is like 1000 miles away from here.