Intro to "First Strike Is Deadly"

Lies and Perfidy

Gentleman of the Road
Nov 27, 2002
Washington, Washing-Ton
So I picked up The Legacy on tape for two bucks at Amoeba Records...while it's very good, I have one question. One simple question.

What the screaming gutsfuck is up with that intro?!

I mean, really...that's just fucking WEIRD. o_O Can anybody shed some light on it a soundclip, where's it from, is it original, whether they had made a special trip to Humboldt County beforehand and who they had bought know, that kinda thing.
Ahh, gotta love Amoeba... I got my copy of The Legacy on CD there for $5.

I think on the 31st, I'll go on my weekly Ameoba buying spree, so I can pick up the new Nevermore, among other albums which I wont even think of till I've been browsing there for about half an hour.