Introducing myself

Danny rctv

Girl Band Geek!
May 22, 2002
San Francisco
:wave:Yo what up?This is Danny from San Francisco's "Reality Check TV" an ove rthe top in your face uncensored Shock Rock T.V. show.I may be new to the board but the Maidens know me real well.They've been on my show before as has Phantom Blue many times.I usually post as Tales From The Pit's Hellroom board wich isa brutal place to be.But it seems like people are freindlier here.Anyways I paln on posting here more often. :D
"Tales From The Pit's Hellroom" - Sounds like a great place to flame..., almost like that other forum that starts with "fender", Anyway yea, I think people seem nicer here on this forum is because they have some brains.
DANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

So good to see you here! I hear we may be seeing you in December sometime too. Welcome!!! For those who don't know Danny, he is a MAJOR metal supporter of the Bay Area and has a metal show and events dedicated to metal from all walks of life. He is kewl people.

Here's a >>hug<< and a welcoming wave :wave: .

People here are definitely friendlier than some other forums around cuz we get to talk about things Maiden related! :worship: Woohooooooo!!!!!!!!!