introducing myself


New Metal Member
Sep 17, 2006
Northeast Pennsylvania
1. How old are you? 29
2. Where do you live? Northeast PA
3. What got you into Metal? my cousin Keith
4. Your first metal album? hmmm not sure either kill em all by Metallica or one of Strypers albums or maybe it was Metal Health by Quiet Riot one of those 3
5. Genres I prefer? Not sure exactly what the genres are... I like Melodic/operatic metal along the lines of Iron Maiden
6. Bands I prefer? Jag Panzer, Iron Maiden, HammerFall, AC/DC, Megadeth, Recon, Stryper, Bride, Gothic Knights, Sonica Arctica, Judas Priest, Galloglas, Dofka, Jorn
7. Things I love? my family, Jesus, metal, Yuengling black and tan, beef, and Metal
8. Things I hate? I really dislike metal that they growl or sounds like they are stabbed in the guts while belching. No offence to any of you all who do, it's just not my cup of tea.
9. Favorite concert you've attended? Good luck finding a metal concert where i live, so the best concerts i've been to were Audio Adrenaline, and Pillar
10. Your Non-Metal interests? Dirtbiking, Football, Mopar
^^^yeah, i know right? what, do you live in the backhills? lol

welcome man:kickass:

whats with the template? never seen that before......