Introducing one of the newest NEVERMORE fans, alongside an old fart. Ha!Ha!


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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Pictures of the most recent NEVERMORE fan, my son Iann Montgomery Norris Brown, along side his ugly-ass Dad, ZANEX (Who is trying to get rid of his "mullet" and let his hair grow back over his ears, almost there.)

Enjoy Folks.

See pictures below. Many thanks and beers to ct thrash.
Hopefully, this will work. Thanks ct thrash. Many thanks and toasts to you.

Thanks everyone for the comments. Iann is doing great other than keeping a runny nose. Said his first word the other day, "DA-DA". (Damn straight). Hell Will, I'm not that old, (Now for my sick since of humor) You know what they say here in KY, "old enough to bleed, old enough to breed." Also, as one guy once said, "I'll take any woman 8-80, blind, crippled, or crazy. Have wheelchair, I will haul". Pretty sick, huh. Seriously, that underage shit is sick.

Will, I'm interested in hearing the new Distorted Mind E.P. Contact me with some info.
God Bless Kentucky.

Sounds like a place to interest of the priests, too...
Thanks to all for the comments. Pyrus, the "THRASH METAL KING", have you checked out Death Angel's "Archives & Artifacts"? It has some great rare and unreleased tracks and demo's. The DVD is pretty interesting with interviews of the young "Bay Area Thrashers". Will, thanks for the info.

As for my hair, its like Riki Rachtmans. It grows thick and bushy instead of down and out. Oh well, if you don't like my hair, PISS ON YA.