
Get this....I met Mark and Bryce at Taste of Chaos....which I attended for the sole purpose of seeing pelican....I had free tix.

I was interviewing Laurent of Pelican, Mark(HH leader) came over to make fun of me....and not soon after I was asked to intern.

LA is an hour away so its kind of tough getting down there enough.

Plus work is so obnoxious to schedule around.

Oh and Story of the Year is a hardcore band now....Just so all you xXxBostoniansxXx know.

: )
Yeah, for example on friday im going in to assemble all the Daughters-"Hell Songs" press kits.

SO Ill package like 300 of those...which basically takes all day.

I dont get payed...but I get all sorts of shit for free.....merch and shows and I get to meet tons of great people.

Its beyond worth the drive and time.
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