intro's I think.




Well since no1 else has here goes's(mind lilac666 know's me anyway).

my name is Martyn, I live in Nottm UK(about 4miles from rock-city).
I'am 29 shortly & a tall mutha(every 1's a midget 2 me) LOL :)

I've been in2 metal at least half off my life & been go2 rock-city
since 1988. I've been playin guitar for 8 or is it 9yrs now?
I love goin 2 metal gig's & also meetin new PPL.

I have a website at :-

So come on every1 introduce U'R self

Not exactly the most sociable message board I've ever been on. Come on, somebody else give us a bit of an introduction......

Well Martyn knows me already, but I'll introduce myself anyway. I'm about the same age as Martyn (don't make me actually say it), er... female, childish, sarcastic, been into metal since I was about 13. A couple of years later I started to frequent Nottingham Rock City and there was no turning back...

Most of the music I love comes from the 80s, but, thank goodness, there are still a few new bands around who do it for me. Apart from my family & friends I think metal is the most important thing in my life. It's seen me through some good, and bad times. I can't imagine anybody listening to some pop crap and getting the feeling of pride I get listening to metal.

Anyway, Bloodstock. Great idea. About time, and I for one can't wait.

Well a little bit about me.

I am 23 and live in Taunton, Somerset. I have been into metal and heavy rock music for around 10 years, started with bands like Skid row and GnR and things went on from there. Taunton has a very poor live music scene so hopefully a trip to Bloodstock this year should be a hell of a refreshing change. So come on folks, confirm Blaze and Priest and I will be on my way.

Hi, I'm Parrot (but I'm not a pretty boy!) I've been called Parrot for years and no-one will tell me why!.
I'm 29 & 2 months & 18 days (approx).
I'm 6 feet small with long gingery blonde eyes.
My ears are blue with a goatee.
I live in Kent and travel all around the whole great big wide country in my lorry.
I first got into metal via Iron Maiden in 19.. ahem (just over 20 years ago - Bloody 'ell! forgot how long ago that was), and haven't looked back since.
As well as metal, I have been known to listen to some different stuff (from folk to dance to wierd (Ozric..)).

I've been into stuff since 1988 (almost half my life - I'll let you do the maths).
I got in via Helloween and haven't found the damn Keeper to let me out again.

I really love Sabbat (& Skyclad), I think Martin Walkyier is a completely amazing bloke. Never got to see 'em first time round (knowing my luck, won't this time either, but I have got tickets, which is a start).

My first gig was The Almighty & Wolfsbane in 1989 (Did Parrot mention that his was Girlschool!!).

Are you asleep yet?

Time for bed... boing!

Martyn, just looked at your site, Happy Birthday for tomorrow!

Alright chaps...

I'm John from Reading...I'm 6'5 Look a bit like Davey Murray or so people get me very confused for..Been into rock since 1984 and I'm 29..coming up for Bloodstock as I havnt see Skyclad since the Jonahs Ark tour and the new album rocks like a bastard!

I run the rockers return.. - bulletin board based internet rock music magazine run by the fans for the fans that I'm tryig to get off the'll see me post on the maiden bb as DTT..

oh and I'm a dipsomaniac.

See ya in May!



Decisions, decisions.

Which is stronger, my desire to get a few hits to my webpage, or my reluctance to let anyone see a very unflattering photo of me looking like a gormless twonk?

Oh bugger it....

My name is David and I am from Nottingham.
I'm 27 years old (mental age of 9 !) and a Capricorn.
I'm 6ft,3" with long blonde hair.

I first got into Metal in 1982 when I heard Run to the Hills on Top of the Pops and I haven't looked back since.

The first gig I went to was Anthrax in 1989 ish, and it was fantastic. The last one was Iron Maiden at Birmingham last year. The next one will probably be Less than Jake at Nottm Rock City (if I can scrape the money together, followed by Bloodstock, of course.

I'm into most metal, not so much nu-metal though, and my fav bands are Poison, Maiden, GWAR, Kiss, Manowar, Slayer, Anthrax, most 1980's/1990's metal bands. The last new CD I bought was Hardcore Superstar, recommended to me by Lilac666, who I know through work.

Mental age of 9 David? Hmm, you must have matured a bit since yesterday then!!

Oh and referring to me as someone that you 'know through work' sounds very cold. Basically folks we have no dealings with each other at work, we just happen to work in the same building. I was fed up with listening to the tedious conversations about Steps and other pop drivel that people around here seem to like. Then I found out David was into Iron Maiden and haven't stopped pestering the poor bastard since. Let that be a lesson to you all....

For the birthday wish's & thanks alot Suzanne for the card, Maiden Rule.

Hi, I am Jon 30 from Hereford! Been into all sorts of stuff for about 17 yrs - originally maiden -notb and pom era, Sabbath through Hawkwind etc to now where I like Skyclad, Opeth, Katatonia, Dark Tranquility, MDB plus fields of the nephilim and co. I am guitarist in a band The Craft and we don't sound like any of the above, but play atmospheric original stuff (not that the above isn't atmospheric and original - too) - really heavy in places - sometimes light but always odd ;) Inspired by our pagan beliefs and our beautiful countryside and heritage - but definately not in the pagan metal style ;)

Hoping to make it to Bloodstock - depending on commitments as I REALLY want to see Skyclad.

Name = Michelle Harling
Age = 31
Status = Married
Children = 1, Natasha aged 7
Height = 4' 11"

The Story so far....

First Blood - introduced to Metal by an older boy who lived on my street, been a big Iron Maiden fan ever since... (dateline - some time mid 70s ish)

The Obsession Grows - fell deeper during the 80's with bands like GnR and Ozzy.

The Illness Deepens - after a bit of a "Metal" dry patch during the early 90's I was rescued by my current husband and turned back to the dark side... My eternal thanks to Kahless

The Plan Reaches A Peak - After seeing Maiden twoce and Blaze once so far since Summer 2000 I can honnestly say this is my finest hour!

Things I Like = Maiden, Blaze, Disturbed, Ozzy, Slash's Snakepit, The Internet (I'm a total junkie) and many many more sick and twisted addictions.

Things I Don't Like = BRITNEY F&*^&ING SPEARS!

If you wanna know anything else you can catch me in the Blaze Chatroom @ Metal-is on Tuesday's, Thursday's and at carying times over the weekends.

Otherwise you can e-mail me at and I might contact you back if I can be arsed!



Coming up from Bristol to see the mighty Primal Fear after two failed goes at it in Paris/Hamburg!. At 35yrs the obsession just gets stronger and it will not go away . Now have 20yrs of gigs under the belt from Gillan`s tour 1981 thru to the Metal Odyssey gig in London on Sunday ( to see Nevermore for all of 25 minutes! ).Got a feeling I know the Bar Manager (were you at Doro`s gig last week?).

Name: Ratz/Ratty/Mat

Year Of Conception: 1975

Year of Metallic Birth: 1986

Height: 6ft 4in

Live In: Stockport Work In: Harlow (Essex)

Likes:Saxon,Helloween,Gaskin,Diamond Head,Queensryche,
John Norum, U.D.O., Secrecy (obscure German Metal), etc

Football Team: Torquay United.

Drinks: Strongbow (lot's of)

Oldest Tour Shirt: Saxon Destiny Tour 1988

Hates: Top 40 singles and album chart music + Radio 1 DJ's + Mushrooms and Tuna Fish......

See you all in May.


Hi im stu (29), Im married to fran (19) we live in telford shropshire and the metal music scene here is non existant! I am originally from near london were the scene was far bigger. My fave band is venom as you will see if you check out my web site! But I also love loads of other metal bands, from bryan adams to napalm death!
Check out my site

Name: Bambam
Birthname: Paul
Year of construction: 1973
Place of construction: Reading
First Metal year: 1984
First Metal discovery: 'Maiden, Anthrax
Fave Bands: Skylad, Sabbat, My Dying Bride, Lawnmower Deth, Opeth, Klank, Circle of Dust, Ashen Mortality, Ozric Tentacles, Hendrix, (I could go on, but I won't)
Fave music: Metal/goth/industrial/folk/wierd
Hates: Pop/rap/country n western/
Fave Food: British,Indian,Italian,Mexican
Fave Movies: The Crow, The Scarlet Letter, Star Wars
Hobbies: The Sealed Knot (English Civil War re-enactment, Roundheads and Cavaliers).
Looking forward tomeeting you all at Bloodstock, lets have a pint together!


Well, here goes:

Name: Sean
Place: Herts UK
Born: 1972 (Has anyone else noticed that we're all roughly the same age?)
Born to METAL: 1988 (Tho' my Dad made me listen to Sabbath and Zeppelin from an early age! Thanks Dad!)
Occupation: (Im)mature Student.
Star sign: Pisces
Colour of Socks: Black
Fave Things: Metal! Death Metal, Trad Metal, Gothic Metal, Thrash Metal, Symphonic Metal, Power Metal, any Metal (Even some Nu-ish-Metal..Sorry! e.g. Tool, Deftones)as long as it's good. Terry Pratchett, Anne Rice, Bill Bryson, Calvin and Hobbes, The Far Side, The Simpsons, Futurama, Most Comedy, Bill Hicks, South Park, MST3K, I like to laugh at life.
Appearance: 6ft, Blonde hair to my shoulders (I'm growing it again after getting it cut off.) Blue Eyes, Dressed in Black. (does this sound like a dating agency?)
Hates: Pop Music. People without a sense of Humour. People who don't respect Metal!
I'm travelling to Bloodstock to say farewell to Skyclad V.1 and to say hello to Skyclad V.2

Err, That's it..
:evil: :evil:

I am everything and nothing at all, all at the same time, simualtaneously, together, at once..