
Lord K

Busy pissing on you
May 2, 2002
Invasion - Berserk artillery barrage

The warlunatics of Invasion are back, and I could have wished for a better start of this morning. I have e-mailed with the vocalist/guitarist Phlegm for like a year and he still sends me their albums, though I honestly thought I made it clear that their music doesn´t give me a boner the size John Holmes. But atleast I have more frisbees for my collection.
This is fast as fuck all the time and everything is about war, dead people, dying, death, mint-skittles, tanks, war, some more war and finally some war. There are pictures of dead people and everything nice you can think of splattered all over the booklet.

I haven´t liked them before and I´m sure as hell not doing it this time either. The music is some kind of a poor man´s thrash (I will NEVER use the term "War Metal", you have to kill me first) with demorecording-sound. Boring riffs, non-pretty drumming and non-pretty members. Not even Legion will find these fuckers attractive, and he likes pretty much anything.

I don´t care if the guy I´m mailing with is cool, I´m not reviewing his personality, just his looks and the music. If it sounds like shit it probably is shit.

I´m sure some people might find this enjoyable, but I doubt that it has anything to do with good taste in music or a pair of very well-functioning ears.

There are only but a few bands that are permitted to write about war and play metal. Boltthrower and Vader.

And Hammerfall ofcourse.
