Ion Vein - new opus studio quotes


Complete Bastard
Sep 8, 2001
In the once proud tradition of The Beatles' "Abbey Road" , Pink Floyd's "The Wall", Led Zeppelin's "Physical Graffiti" and everything Spinal Tap... I'd like to share some golden nuggets (shh) from the making of:

Ion Vein - "The Complete And Utter Load Of Bollocks"

I think this thread deserves to be made. Hopefully it will inevitably turn into a very silly collection of classic outbursts from bandmembers and studio staff alike.

So, without further ado, I'd like to start the ball rolling with this little gem from none other than Mr Lotesto himself:

"Oh no!! My pick got stuck in the foam again!! "

More to follow...
Chris Lotesto said:

awesome idea, Neil, this should be great!! we've had a
ton of SHITE already but it's all escaping me at the moment....
just like the backbeat of "This Is Gay..." :lol:

Escaping you? What? Did you mean "This Is Gas?"

That was defintely much more along the lines of the recent flatuhorrific "Chili Bastard" guitar sessions.