iPod Headphones


Nov 1, 2009
Good lord.
These things have a SHIT TON of bass. Did they overcompensate for the small size of the ear bud or something?

After listening to music on my monitors and sennheiser's, it's almost impossible to listen to anything anywhere..
Especially these fucking iPod headphones. >:[

Please someone give me a laugh today: Has anyone ever tried mixing on iPod headphones?

If not, someone PLEASE mix with these things and post a mix. :kickass:
i have actually heard rumors that people mix on these alot

because seems like everyone has an ipod, why not mix what they will be hearing on the ipod headphones?

idk, i dont get it, why bother spending good money on monitors if people want ipod mixes? seems fooooolish :p
That was always my theory before I got monitors.
Then I got some, and have gotten used to them.

The only place I can listen to music anymore is in my car, on my sennheiser headphones, or my studio monitors.

Anywhere else is completely unacceptable. :Smug:
I used to mix on my Sennheiser HD555s a couple years back before i had monitors. now any type of headphones make my head spin

so the only place i can listen to music now is in my control room
iPod earbuds break quite easily, not the cable or such, the high end on those start fading over time, losing volume on the while.
So, whenever I have new ipod earbuds, I feel quite doubtful about them :lol:

P.S. I tried mixing on them once, the stereo image was really odd and the bass buildup was really distracting :ill:
Oh man fuck the iPod headphones. I have only ever used them one time, when I got a brand new 2nd gen iPod (when they first got the wheel - aggggeeesss ago) and they were shit then. They broke in a week on top of sounding pretty awful. I have been using some Sony earbuds over the years with my iPods but I really hardly ever listen to music on headphones. Vehicle system or monitors or some shitty Dell desktop speakers, that's pretty much it.
I mix on my monitors, but check everything through a pair of JVC canal phones - having the bud touching the inside of your ear means they do have incredible bass response, as they don't have to shift the air to get it. It means they're great for checking out how the kick and bass are sitting, and they give you a really good impression of the stereo field. I find all earbuds too harsh though, so I never use them for casual listening.

i think the apple headphones are really good quality, and the "more bass" you hear, is really just you being used to the lack of bass in other headphones.

try the in-ear ones, the bass response in them is like listening through cans, i shit you not.

Never liked ipod headphones, they hurt my ears and always fall out lol. I use an old pair of phillips ones with the headband that don't even have the cushins on them anymore. Still sound great though. lol
They really do have a ton of bass, it's just that they don't fit perfectly into most people's ears. If you push them a bit further while listening, you'll notice the impressive amount of bass for headphones of that size.

They break easily though, and they fit terribly into my ears, so I try my best to avoid them.
I have a nano, and Ive used it for 2 years non stop with stock earbuds. They , to me sound great, when I go to the EQ settings and adjust to taste.
Lots of presets to work with on mine. The earbuds havent lost sound quality at all.
Check out a brand called Koss. I am using them right now for my iPod and was astonished at how flat the freq response is. My old ones (JVC Marshmellows) sounded so scooped. But the Koss ones I have are great. Def worth a look if you hate using regular ear buds.