Iron and Wine-"The Sheperds Dog"


Jan 30, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
Been listening to this for a couple days now and I think it's one of the best Non-Metal albums I've heard all year. Could be categorized as sub-pop. West African music, jazz, americana and folk is what I hear. Sam Beam in an interview said, "I like to write songs that are descriptive, rather than to explain the idea." Still sings in that whispered falsetto, just a little more emphasis on his voice. Has anyone heard this? Discuss.
I've been listening to Iron & Wine a lot lately and I agree, definitely one of the best non-metal albums of the year. Beam writes amazing lyrics and beautiful melodies, but he's definitely not for everyone...I've heard many complain about how boring he is because of the simplicity and peacefulness of his music, but what can you do? Not everyone is able to appreciate all types of music.
Agreed. I like Mr. Beam and Iron and Wine when I'm trying to ease on out. "Our Endless Numbered Days" was even "more" laid back than "Sheperds Dog." But, he is an excellent songwriter and lyricist.
The Creek Drank The Cradle is the best and then Our Endless Numbered Days...I mean The Shepherd's Dog is awesome too, but I recommend listening to the older stuff if you want to get into them.
I did not like this band to the level I thought I would. Interesting for a while but in all too boring for my taste. I like Destroyer more for this kind of music.