Iron Maiden\Arch Enemy Tonite


Timmy! Timmy!!! Timmy!!!
Jun 19, 2003
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I will be there with the wife. I read a review of an Arch Enemy album at and I'm curious to see them. And Maiden is Maiden. I got the tickets by winning the contest at Right now I think they have a contest for a Maiden show in Canada. Anyway :headbang: I'll be the guy with the long goatee nowhere near the length of Scott's with a beat up leather jacket. No street teaming tonite so not a lot but some pimping going on. :hotjump:
awsome man.i saw maiden for the first time a few months ago. it was pure amazing! although arch enemy wernt supporting in scotland for sum reason. it was some pishy shite band called funeral for a friend. hav a good time and let us know what songs they play

efter troops
As much I wanted to lick the sweaty singer from Arch Enemy all over, and you know I like that and you know my favorite spot, her singing sucked. That band though kicked ass!!!

Iron Maiden Set

Wildest Dreams
Can I Play With Madness
The Trooper
No more Lies
Fear of the Dark
Brave New World
Iron Maiden
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Journeyman (both Janich and Dave played acoustics on this one)
Number of the Beast
Run To The Hills

If I missed some I apologize.

Said high to a guy with a Anthrax shirt in beer line, first thing I heard out of his month was Charlie. Yes I told him about the message board and he had to work on the day of the what doesn't die shoot. Anthrax should have played tonight.

My voice is raspy today from singing too!! And apologize for the 2 songs I forgot. Needed to pee pretty bad and get a beer.
Thanks jdelpi, I thought it was great metal show. I was surprised to hear Wrathchild and Can I Play with Madness. Also, Bruce thanked everyone for dealing with a lot of new material being played.
I,m going to listen to DOD and see if I missed something. Also, I forgot at one point Bruce screwed up and we all got a laugh out of it.