Iron Maiden & Brandy...What The Hell Is Going On!?!

Big Daddy Kool

New Metal Member
Jul 11, 2004
"Former Teen Pop star Brandy has sampled the guitar and bass lines from Iron Maiden's 'The Clansman' for her single 'Cool (Thought I'd Be)'." SOURCE: What the hell is going on!?!
\m/ Big Daddy Kool \m/
I really don't care. No matter what happens in the world of Maiden, whether its Steve getting chased by a pack of wild hyenas or Nicko shooting himself in the rear end, I don't want to hear about it.
John Silver said:
Not at all. That's the speciality of this forum, we talk about the negative side of Maiden.

i figured a forum for maiden would be something prosperous? why negatively - do you have their records? ( if you mind me asking )
Many reasons really. The new album is shit, the fans on the official site are ass kissing pukes (which itself is a strong reason), and the band are money grabbing pricks who'd rather see the music go to shit than actually give up their high class lifestyle and put in a little effort. I also don't like Steve's attitude of "either you listen to the garbage we put out or off fuck off. We don't need fans like you". Too late Steve, you asshole, you already took our money for the last 25 years.
...alright there were a bit of anger there... so i take it as you actaully bought the new album then? what should i buy as a collector -i collect all kinds of music .
Iced In Flames said:
Why is Steve an ego-maniacal asshole/jerk?

Some reasons for this assumption are listed below. And, keep in mind, that this can ONLY be an assumption as to the nature of his character due to the fact that I've never met the man. We only have his comments, his actions and the expressed opinions of his acquaintences to forumalate opinions on.

- after the weak "no Prayer" and the disappointing "Fear of the Dark", and upon Bruce's departure, Steve decided he could take production matters into his own hands. He failed miserably. The sound quality on "X", although light years better than that found on "DOD", is ghastly. The guitars sound as if they were recorded underwater. I find it ODD that a so-called metal band would relegate metal's most important instrument - the guitar - to the background. Perhaps one bass-player decided that his instrument should take center stage? Makes no sense to the ears.

- Blaze Bayley's performance in the band has been SLAMMED. And rightfully so. His vocals on "X" are dreadful. Out of key, warbling out of tune, flat in some spots, etc. ad nauseum.
However, upon hearing his sterling solo albums "Ghost" and "Tenth Dimension", it's apparent that Blaze actually CAN sing - and sing well, at that.
Again, looks as if Harris' production failed to get the best out of his players.
But Harris, thinking himself a god, decided he could do the job that a Martin Birch did. Why hire a new producer upon Martin's retirement, and PAY him, when you can do it yourself and inflate both your wallet (with the $$ saved) and your head!

- With all of that said, with his FAILURE producing "X", the dick then proceeds to produce the next failure, "Vurtual XI". He just can't keep his filthy hands out of the cookie-jar! He learned NOTHING from his previous mistake. Or, may be he DID realize that his production skills SUCK, but still decided to produce "XI". Nigel Greene my ass! It's all Harris!

- In 1998, upon the release of his "Chemical Wedding" record, Bruce Dickinson was quoted in Terrorizer Magazine of a few choice comments regarding his decision to quit maiden, and his relationship with our friend, Dick, err, Steve Harris.
It seems that "in Maidenland", as Bruce called it, there is no democracy. What Steve says goes. If you question him, you go. Bruce was tired of the direction that STEVE was moving towards with the weak early 90s records, and he voiced his opinions on it. Steve would have none of it. It's "Steve's way of the highway", stated Bruce. The article went on to discuss the various 'inner workings' of the band which highlighted Steve's immense ego.
Maybe Bruce's ideas/direction would have sucked also (as his first few solo records did), but WE'LL NEVER KNOW. His ideas were snuffed.
And, I'll bet that Dave Murray & Nicko are the ULTIMATE 'yes men'. They'll do any say whatever Harris wants so long as they keep their jobs. Do any of you think that Dave Murray is charismatic enough to lead his own band? Hell no.

Harris = ego-manical asshole/prick/jerk.

Maiden continues to make quality music IN SPITE of him.
SoundMaster said:
And, I'll bet that Dave Murray & Nicko are the ULTIMATE 'yes men'. Do any of you think that Dave Murray is charismatic enough to lead his own band? Hell no.

UP THE DAVE! :rock : rock: rock:

Atleast that's the typical noob response on the Maiden bb.

Nice post btw. Most of the relevant points are mentioned. But I also say Steve and Maiden are predictable and stale beyond belief.
Why hire a new producer upon Martin's retirement, and PAY him, when you can do it yourself and inflate both your wallet (with the $$ saved) and your head!

You'd do the same damn thing and dont fuckin say you wouldnt. People in music do all they can to save bucks. And why is it during X Factor you seem to think the bass was in the front? The bass has been a huge part of the band since the very first album.

Blaze sucks, end of story....

I like X Factor a lot. I think the production is better on X than on BNW to be honest. X is meant to be a dark album and I think it came off very well. BNW has TOO much guitar.

And Iron Maiden is pretty much Steves band. He should run it as he see's fit. Tho everyone opinions do matter. But Steve has the ultimate say so. He writes way more than anyone else, he has more say so.

Just my opinions...

Cept for the Blaze thing. Thats fact.
Iced In Flames said:
Why hire a new producer upon Martin's retirement, and PAY him, when you can do it yourself and inflate both your wallet (with the $$ saved) and your head!

You'd do the same damn thing and dont fuckin say you wouldnt. People in music do all they can to save bucks. And why is it during X Factor you seem to think the bass was in the front? The bass has been a huge part of the band since the very first album.

Blaze sucks, end of story....

I like X Factor a lot. I think the production is better on X than on BNW to be honest. X is meant to be a dark album and I think it came off very well. BNW has TOO much guitar.

And Iron Maiden is pretty much Steves band. He should run it as he see's fit. Tho everyone opinions do matter. But Steve has the ultimate say so. He writes way more than anyone else, he has more say so.

Just my opinions...

Cept for the Blaze thing. Thats fact.
I strongly disagree with your point that 'anyone' would simply cease using a producer to save money. Just check the back of 90% of the CDs in your collection, and you'll see that they're not self-produced.

Concerning "X", it's not so much that the bass is way 'up front', rather it's the fact that the guitars are NON-EXISTANT. And, as we all know, metal is characteristically defined by the guitar! And, for some odd reason, Steve thinks otherwise.

As for it 'being Steve's band', that may be true in the fact that he started it & wrote many of their better songs. HOWEVER, without Bruce singing on those classic 80s records, Maiden would have been dropped off the face of the earth in the late 80s. For as good as the first two records were, and for as cool as D'Ianno sounded, he simply couldn't have brought the band to the level that Bruce's presense/vocals did.
It's simply a fact.

And, please, let's also be certain not to take writing credit away from the other members. MANY of their best tunes were penned withOUT Harris' involvement (Icarus, 23:58, Revelations, Powerslave, Wasted Years, Starnger, etc.).