Iron Maiden's "Top 5" Toughest Eddies!


This is art.
Ugh, the Dance of Death album cover is horrible. I honestly can't believe they even allowed that cover to be released.

I agree that Killers album has the sickest cover. Number of the Beast is badass too.
I can't tell if this thrashmetaltimes site is actually that alarmingly terrible, or if you just post links to the worst parts of it, but either way you should probably stop creating new threads just to promote your stupid site.
I can't tell if this thrashmetaltimes site is actually that alarmingly terrible, or if you just post links to the worst parts of it, but either way you should probably stop creating new threads just to promote your stupid site.

It's not my site, I just like their articles and like to share stuff I like with the metal community. Someone young enough to have a tagline like "anoint my phallus" may be new to web forums. Here's a hint to how they work: if you don't like posts by certain members, just don't read them.
Someone young enough to have a tagline like "anoint my phallus" may be new to web forums. Here's a hint to how they work: if you don't like posts by certain members, just don't read them.

Just looking at his join date here, he's been here five years. Here's a hint as to how forums work too: if you're advertising shit, whether or not you own it, you should probably put it in the promotional section instead of spamming us with shit no one gives a fuck about.

This could have been a cool thread, you could have made it a poll and posted pictures of all the Eddie's and let everyone choose, but instead you're entire post was a link to some crappy article that has the nerve to even acknowledge dance of death's coverart. It's like that site purposely attempts to annoy the reader btw.
@Krow - linking articles that fellow metalheads might find cool isn't's trying to start a discussion. And the article isn't about the best cover. It's clearly about which Eddie could kick the other Eddie's asses. In this context I can see the validity of the grim reaper Eddie from DoD - although I'd personally go with NoTB. So thanks for the lecture and coming to Phallus' aid, but you missed the point of the article.
@Krow - linking articles that fellow metalheads might find cool isn't's trying to start a discussion. And the article isn't about the best cover. It's clearly about which Eddie could kick the other Eddie's asses. In this context I can see the validity of the grim reaper Eddie from DoD - although I'd personally go with NoTB. So thanks for the lecture and coming to Phallus' aid, but you missed the point of the article.

How is an inanimate sphinx supposed to kick somebody's ass?