Iron Mask - Shadow of the Red Baron

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Any Iron Mask fans here? I love Hordes of the Brave their previous album and at first I was a bit disappointed in "Shadow" but I soon realised that it was great in it's own right. Dushan Petrossi is a great songwriter and although he is a bit of an Yngwie wannabe (some would even say rip off), for me he writes better songs and his solos are more tasteful and not mindless shredding. This video maybe a bit dodgy but you can't deny it is a great song with a huge anthemic chorus.

I posted this same thread about two/three months ago,with the same video. If you think this guy plays guitar better and more tasteful than malmsteen your sick. The album is very very good,but to even compare it to malmsteen is crazy this guy is very average nothing special.Malmsteen changed the game, songs like You don't remember,Dark Ages,Crystal Ball, Dushan will never write songs up to any Malmsteen classic,and I don't even want to go into solos,because it's no question who is better(steen). Anyway as i said I really like this album,and Dus bands I really can't wait for the new Magic Kingdom with Olaf Hayer on it, it's going to be epic for sure. I just don't like the way people always throw malmsteen out there he is my hero, no one will ever be like him so i think of petrossi as his own guitar player,because when u compare him to malmsteen he looks like nothing, but just looking at him he is very good, if you get what i mean. sorry if i sound like rambling jerk i don't mean to.
lol you are sounding like a big time fanboy there! Anyway I did say Dushan was an Yngwie wannabe or even a rip off didn't I? I know full well that Yngwie came first and he has many imitators and I'm not saying your hero is a bad songwriter but if I compare his current output with Dushan's then Dus wins for me. The last album with Ripper had laughable production and just average songs. There wasn't one song on there as good as Forever in the Dark for a start IMO of course. The sooner Yngwie realises that he can't produce worth a shit the better. The Malm has it in him to write a classic but he needs help badly. Look at the last Impellitteri disk. Now some say the 'imp' is just another Malm clone but once again to me he's a better songwriter and the production on Wicked Maiden was out of this world. Anyway I'm sure you'll defend YJM till the end of time... :)
You know your right, on a lot of things in that post. I have noticed it too, the sound of his records to me for war to end all wars on till now they have sounded kind of muffled, and not what they should be, but that doesn't really bother me too, much I like love them all still he has no bad record to me. I don't mind to much of the recording sound, I really don't notice it when I listen to it, but when I look back I think, sounds like it was mixed a little off, but it's ok to me. I love Impellitteri too, I never really thought of him as a malmsteen clone his playing style to me is very crazy, and very much his own, and Wicked Maiden did rock a most good. I don't know about song writting though that's a hard call for me too, because I really don't compare them to much I think they both are great song writters, they have been around a long time, but one things for sure Malmsteen has always stuck to his guns and played kickass heavy metal,and Impellitteri made the album Pedal to the Metal, was way different than anything else he ever did, and it sucked bad beyond belief ( to me anyway) so when he when back to what he knows(Rob Rock) he was all good again. As for Malmsteen he will never change, and if he did it would not be good, so I'm very happy he plays what he loves, and that just so happens to be what I love, and you know that will be the only time I do not defend malmsteen if he changed, but till then he has my support. but you are right.
I prefer both Petrossi projects, Iron Mask and Magic Kingdom, over Yngwie's. His best work to date is Magic Kingdom's "Metallic Tragedy" IMO, but Shadow of the Red Baron is on my list to pick up soon.
You don't like Pedal to the Metal from Imp? Man I love that album. Sure it's very modern but the songs are good still and the singer Curtis Skelton was good enough. I'd take the worst Imp over any nowadays Malm disk in a heart beat personally. But anyway I don't think I can shake your belief in YJM can I! :) \m/