Iron Savior


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Mar 29, 2003
I just picked up the new Iron Savior disc "Battering Ram" and all I can say is "WOW"!!! What a blistering piece of power metal with no apologies!!!! Has anyone else heard this? If so I would like to hear your comments.
The_Q said:
I just picked up the new Iron Savior disc "Battering Ram" and all I can say is "WOW"!!! What a blistering piece of power metal with no apologies!!!! Has anyone else heard this? If so I would like to hear your comments.

I've lost track of these guys a bit, although I enjoyed them up until a year or two ago. Condition Red was the last one I had from them. I can't recall if they came out with anything after that.

One question though -- have they finally given up the goofy space ship concept that spanned for several albums. I did grow a little weary of that concept, but as for the music I really enjoy that band.

I must say that the band does absolutely nothing for me; I just never understood the appeal with those guys. I feel as if there is just a ton of other power metal bands out there that are much more exciting than Iron Savior. Anyone else agree???