LOTFP has written a good little bit about The Darkness, and how the Darkness didn't get what the issue was with being an 'ironic metal band.' What hasn't been understood by these bands, is that people who enjoy metal, don't want to have the silly parts of metal shoved in their face. Why would metal fans (I'm using 'metal fans' loosely here since I'll be soon referring to Sebastian Bach and GNR) want to laugh at their own music? Spinal Tap worked, because of various reasons, that I won't go into right here. But I'm sure a lot of metal fans hated that movie. I really don't know. I never saw the reaction to it.
Anyhow, this is in reference to the Eagles of Death Metal being kicked off of the GNR tour. Here is the article Bravewords.com > News. Just read the Eagles of Death Metal's response to the whole issue. As was written by I believe Dave (correct me if I'm wrong), its not that the fans don't get the ironicy, its that they just don't like it. Deal with it. Ironic bands only work if there's a level of genuine sincerity. And even then, they are through and through been there, seen that, do something else.
Anyhow, this is in reference to the Eagles of Death Metal being kicked off of the GNR tour. Here is the article Bravewords.com > News. Just read the Eagles of Death Metal's response to the whole issue. As was written by I believe Dave (correct me if I'm wrong), its not that the fans don't get the ironicy, its that they just don't like it. Deal with it. Ironic bands only work if there's a level of genuine sincerity. And even then, they are through and through been there, seen that, do something else.