Ironman 2 trailer


(be sure to look at the avatar, not like it's easy to miss :lol: )
I'm pumped John Debney is doing the score. Its gonna be epic aural ecstasy.:headbang:
I have a GREAT Scarlett story for you guys :D

Gimme a few minutes, I'm at work and have to check out a few things cause it'll take me a few minutes to tell the story ... I don't type as fast as Marcus ;)

Its gonna fuck up some fantasies
Ok so my brother's girlfriend works at a pretty upscale japanese restaurant in NY .... this was about a year ago ...

anyway, she's workin and hey hey hey, SJ walks in with some older dude. Ok great, they want a table and order a bunch of tasty, if overpriced, sushi and whatever else. My bro's girl is hostess for the night and the table happens to be perfectly in her line of sight at all times. So about an hour goes by, they're done eating and just chillin with some sake ... my bro's girl is a SJ fan and is trying to figure a way to slip the hostess spot for a minute and just go see if everything was fine and to their liking just so she can say hi. Before she can do this she sees SJ get up from the table and head for the ladies room. So now she has to wait. And wait, and wait and wait and wait. 20 minutes goes by and finally SJ comes out and goes back to the table. My bro's girl is like "damn, what the hell was she doing in there that whole time?

she gets her answer in another minute when someone else walks in the ladies room, comes out about 10 seconds later and complains to her that there is something wrong in the bathroom, and could they take care of it. So, not sure exactly whats wrong, but getting a bad feeling about it, my bro's girl grabs one of the servers walking by and they both proceed to the ladies room. They go in and immediately wished they had not. SJ fucking BOMBED the ladies room so bad that the server chick almost puked on the spot, which would have only increased the killing power of the smell in the bathroom. They both walk out quickly and the server goes to get someone to sanitize the bathroom. My bro's girl looks to the table where SJ was but they had already paid and were gone.

SJ totally pulled a deadly ninja bomb shit and ran out of the restaurant before anyone could pin it on her.

like a true ninja

perfect place to be one too ;)

thats my SJ story

since then, well, I both admire and envy Ryan Reynolds, and pity him :D
Ok so my brother's girlfriend works at a pretty upscale japanese restaurant in NY .... this was about a year ago ...

anyway, she's workin and hey hey hey, SJ walks in with some older dude. Ok great, they want a table and order a bunch of tasty, if overpriced, sushi and whatever else. My bro's girl is hostess for the night and the table happens to be perfectly in her line of sight at all times. So about an hour goes by, they're done eating and just chillin with some sake ... my bro's girl is a SJ fan and is trying to figure a way to slip the hostess spot for a minute and just go see if everything was fine and to their liking just so she can say hi. Before she can do this she sees SJ get up from the table and head for the ladies room. So now she has to wait. And wait, and wait and wait and wait. 20 minutes goes by and finally SJ comes out and goes back to the table. My bro's girl is like "damn, what the hell was she doing in there that whole time?

she gets her answer in another minute when someone else walks in the ladies room, comes out about 10 seconds later and complains to her that there is something wrong in the bathroom, and could they take care of it. So, not sure exactly whats wrong, but getting a bad feeling about it, my bro's girl grabs one of the servers walking by and they both proceed to the ladies room. They go in and immediately wished they had not. SJ fucking BOMBED the ladies room so bad that the server chick almost puked on the spot, which would have only increased the killing power of the smell in the bathroom. They both walk out quickly and the server goes to get someone to sanitize the bathroom. My bro's girl looks to the table where SJ was but they had already paid and were gone.

SJ totally pulled a deadly ninja bomb shit and ran out of the restaurant before anyone could pin it on her.

like a true ninja

perfect place to be one too ;)

thats my SJ story

since then, well, I both admire and envy Ryan Reynolds, and pity him :D

I would have happily eaten her butt right afterward. Fucken happily.
Am I the only one who is more pumped for the movie itself than SJ being in it?

That being said, I'd drink a litre of her pee just to see where it came from.