Is anyone else really bored...

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Nov 30, 2005
...with the discussion on this forum?
I sure as shit am. And it is disappointing. I have better things to do in my life other than be on the Internet, sure, but when I do log on, I'd like to see some good discussion. Sure, there's always been n00bs and trolls dumbing up the forum (like myself), but fucking-a-christ-on-a-stick, it's getting down right abysmal on this forum lately. Fucking dull. I mean, seriously, it's pathetic.

(My $0.02)

PS: Vx5/Erik/Deron - Go ahead and lock this thread if you want, but I really feel that this issue deserves serious discussion.
we're not forcing you to stay here. if you don't enjoy the quality of discussion/posting, then go someplace else or don't bother reading the threads.
You can always start new threads and hope that noobs don't ruin them. It's too bad though that there are only maybe 10-15 reliable posters. Factor in that not all of them care about every genre, and you have a small group. That's why social threads go on so much longer than those about music.
thats because there is only so much you can say about music - before it just becomes difference of opinion.

i dont like the fact that all the threads now are locked as soon as they go off topic, despite the fact that it can sometimes be interesting discussion. you cant win in this situatuon, as the side discussions dont warrant their own threads and ironically would be locked if they were created as stand alone topics.

the forum is becoming too efficient. its losing personality. yeah, some of the personality is worth losing (hell lots of it was), but its just getting fucking dull.
byrne said:
thats because there is only so much you can say about music - before it just becomes difference of opinion.

i dont like the fact that all the threads now are locked as soon as they go off topic, despite the fact that it can sometimes be interesting discussion. you cant win in this situatuon, as the side discussions dont warrant their own threads and ironically would be locked if they were created as stand alone topics.

the forum is becoming too efficient. its losing personality. yeah, some of the personality is worth losing (hell lots of it was), but its just getting fucking dull.

It really didn't take long before V5 went mad with power, did it? But, I suppose that is what happens when juveniles is put in that position...
One thing I hate is people that are dissatisfied with the forum's discussions, and make a thread about how forum is dull, like that is helping in any way.Why not make a thread that might spark some interesting discussion instead of whining like a little prepubescent girl.
The_Isle said:
Goto the Royal Carnage sub-forum for quality discussion of the highest calibre.
I especially recommend the Write anything you like thread.

Can everyone please stop leaving to go post on RC?

I am not very happy with the discussion here either, but that's not going to help it, and lord they barely talk about metal anyway! Plus they all hate me there for absolutely no reason. It's ridiculous, I think we should focus on making GMD a better forum, not just abandon it for another sub par forum elsewhere.

edit:And yeah that's why I never voted for v5.
Mass transferring to another board only makes both boards worse. Don't encourage that.

making a new thread isnt all that bad. the "thread where you talk about music you like while sitting to pee" doesnt get enough hits.

so start making threads. yeah... im cool
its not about creating instantly interesting threads. you cant force intereting ideas or conversation. if i could, id be endlessly entertained and therefore i would never post what i did originally. its more about fostering a community where people feel comfortable to discuss ideas and topics freely, without bounds and strict fucking rules, like EVERY RECOMMENDATION HAVING TO GO IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD. its like a dictatorship and it stifles the sharing of ideas and general conversation.

you cant enforce black and white rules, like the one above. i think moderation needs to be reasonable in so far as mods must allow certain things to slide. thats not something you can legislate easily, but its just about having someone who can assess when "enough is enough".

im not complaining about vvvvv's attitude or his agenda for moderation (i actually did recommend him), as i think he's doing what he thinks is good for the community . its just that my views on how the place should run, daily, differ entirely.
howler said:
One thing I hate is people that are dissatisfied with the forum's discussions, and make a thread about how forum is dull, like that is helping in any way.Why not make a thread that might spark some interesting discussion instead of whining like a little prepubescent girl.
It's basically Deron and VVVVV locking every other thread and being ridiculous. This forum and UM in general have never had strict moderation, if you want strictly moderated metal discussion then fuck off to metal archives. But I guess this post will be deleted and I'll be banned for another three days just for sharing a fucking opinion.

As it stands it's hard for any natural discussion to take place and people can only say what they want to if it fits in with these stupid rules.
Oh shut up RC isn't that great anyway in terms of discussion. It's just a nice place to go to get a laugh. Big freaking deal. Nothing intelligent going on there. Rarely talk about music, and even less of Metal.
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