Is anyone excited about the Star Trek DVD?


Aug 5, 2009

I am looking forward to this release on Dvd, it's one of the few films I hae been looking forward to seeing on Dvd
My copy is preordered. Im getting it on Blu Ray, so I can watch it high def on my PS3. Star Trek fuckin Rules!
Just reminded me to pre-order! thank yoooooooooou haha.
Yeah I really enjoyed it in the cinema, even though I cried when Scotty left behind his wee pal! But then he turns up again, so I was all YAAAAY.
it was meh, a terrible story and script hidden behind star treks name and cool effects. I get that Kirk is supposed to be a bit of a twat, but from what i remember of the original series yeah he was a twat but you liked him for some reason. This new Kirk had nothing to like. tosser.

Oh we've just been chased by a massive beast out in the snow, oh we've fallen down an icy hill, oh looks theres old spock in a cave who conveniently happens to be here, who we need to further the story now. wtf?
it was alright, i can't handle star trek though, as much as i love sci-fi i just don't want to watch it.
Oh we've just been chased by a massive beast out in the snow,

OMG star wars rip off!!!!

I quite liked it as a film, I have never seen any star trek and the people i went to see it with turned out to be trekies so i was asking lots of questions and annoying people.

I want a PS3 now so i can watch Blu-rays :(
it was meh, a terrible story and script hidden behind star treks name and cool effects. I get that Kirk is supposed to be a bit of a twat, but from what i remember of the original series yeah he was a twat but you liked him for some reason. This new Kirk had nothing to like. tosser.

Oh we've just been chased by a massive beast out in the snow, oh we've fallen down an icy hill, oh looks theres old spock in a cave who conveniently happens to be here, who we need to further the story now. wtf?
it was alright, i can't handle star trek though, as much as i love sci-fi i just don't want to watch it.


overhyped and overrated. i liked the hot green chick though.
it was meh, a terrible story and script hidden behind star treks name and cool effects. I get that Kirk is supposed to be a bit of a twat, but from what i remember of the original series yeah he was a twat but you liked him for some reason. This new Kirk had nothing to like. tosser.

Oh we've just been chased by a massive beast out in the snow, oh we've fallen down an icy hill, oh looks theres old spock in a cave who conveniently happens to be here, who we need to further the story now. wtf?
it was alright, i can't handle star trek though, as much as i love sci-fi i just don't want to watch it.

That bit where he just appeared completely fucked me over.
Listen, Star Trek has always been about weird plots, so....nothing new really. If you never liked it, no wonder you didnt like the new film.
Yeah, there have been weirder episodes than the movie.

I remember that one episode of the Next Generation where they're on a planet and there's some weird oil/tar monster holding the away team hostage.
Yeah, there have been weirder episodes than the movie.

I remember that one episode of the Next Generation where they're on a planet and there's some weird oil/tar monster holding the away team hostage.

Isnt that the one were Lt. Yar dies?

On topic again:
I got the blu-ray, watched it and liked it even more than when I first saw it, I cant wait til they make the second one. They capture the essence of the characters so well in this one, the action was just fucking incredible and the plot reminded me of back to the future II. Your brain races to comprehend all these timeline changes and mindfucks, it raises the awesomeness factor to a whole new level. I would have to say its the greatest "new" Sci-Fi film Ive watched in years.
The Only thing that might top this for me is "Avatar", I guess I'll just have to wait and see.