Is anyone here from Israel?

Frantic Hatebreeder

New Metal Member
Jun 2, 2005
Hey, is anyone here from Israel ?
And is there any chance COB will come to Israel ?
There's a metal festival soon (June 22), so...

By the way I'm new :wave:
Ralf said:
It doesn't matter if you are or not. The comment itself is stupid.
I know, but no one gives a shit about stupid comments...
But thanks for caring... :D
And I'm a jew... But not a religious one... In fact, I can't stand the Jewish religion...
I lived in Jerusalem for a couple of years, but I'm a Finn.. You know what those howls in the forests are at night? I think they're jackals..??
Frantic Hatebreeder said:
Hey, is anyone here from Israel ?
And is there any chance COB will come to Israel ?
There's a metal festival soon (June 22), so...

By the way I'm new :wave:

I am
My stepdad had a travel agency.. but I'm still confused about the nightly howls, some say they're porcupines, others say they're little kids, but I'm 99% sure they were a breed of jackals.
Joonas Lehtonen said:
My stepdad had a travel agency.. but I'm still confused about the nightly howls, some say they're porcupines, others say they're little kids, but I'm 99% sure they were a breed of jackals.

Well, I don't live close to Jerusalem so...
Don't you get fucking bored in there? There's nothing you can do, Jewish people are so racistic, and if you're white, they ultimately think you're a Russian invader, hard to make friends huh. God thank I was only a little boy back then. Well, it was different, of course at this situation in life moving to a country like that is of course out of guestion because I've got my life here.
Now that's stupid... all kind of hatred against groups of people is stupid, be it based on skin colour or on their religion.

BTW Do peacocks live in Israel? 'cos they give really weird cries you wouldn't expect from such beautiful birds.
Ok, just to set things straight:

Frantic Hatebreeder: I live in Haifa

Joonas Lehtonen:
Jewish people are so racistic
That's like shouting: "who the fuck is shouting here?!"

And yes, there are jackals as well as hyenas there.

Midnightblueshade: you can find peacocks here mainly in the zoo.

And I strongly believe that this thread should either be in the off-topic section or should not exist at all.
Joonas Lehtonen said:
Don't you get fucking bored in there? There's nothing you can do, Jewish people are so racistic, and if you're white, they ultimately think you're a Russian invader, hard to make friends huh. God thank I was only a little boy back then. Well, it was different, of course at this situation in life moving to a country like that is of course out of guestion because I've got my life here.

Well, about the racist part, you're right, I'm russian myself, but in Jerusalem the religious people are morons... stupid Jewish A-holes... Anyway when I turn 18, I'm outta here..
yeah, man get the fuck out of that shithole before some muslim freak blow your ass up.