Is choice of instrument(s) dictated by personality?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Easy going, will play whatever, whenever because they don't give a shit as long as they're just part of the band. A dork.

Enjoys being the center of attention, but not in a LOOKATMELOOKATME type of way, more of a has-a-vision-and-it-shall-be-recognized-in-the-
songwriting-credits-and-mysterious-liner-notes-kind-of-way. Has control issues.

In it for the chicks, possibly partially motivated by political necessity or motormouth qualities needing fulfillment. Pain in the ass.


'nuff said.
Yea im very low key and I play thrash metal terror drums as well. Although I also play bass, guitar, and sing, so I guess...yea. I have no clue where I was going with this post.
I don't think so - I'm quite possibly the laziest most inactive person ever, but I play drums. I'm nothing like animal :)
The inspiration behind this observation was the fact that my band's old drummer called us tonight, a year ago he ditched us (after talking shit about his previous band and saying how much he loved us and how he hated them) to rejoin his old band. So now he wants back in. Fag.

Face it, drummers. You fuckers are strange. :)
I'm a drummer at heart, always air-drumming and foot-drumming to songs, and I used to play drums a few years ago. I have a mean, hyper-fast double bass technique, but I don't have access to a drumkit anymore :( But, I dunno, I don't think I'm that strange/similar to an animal.
If I could choose any instrument of those and instantly become a kick ass player I'd choose drums, it's the instrument I tend to pay the most attention to when listening to music and 'play' ;)
I'm pretty damn far from being loud and 'crazy' though, if that was your intended definition of a drummer NAD. Based stricly on a gut feeling, I'd say drummers are generally pretty mellow and a bit drawn back, and has the drumming as a way of getting all the built up feelings and agressions out. With the obvious exception of Lars Ulrich who simply is a twat in a great number of ways
I knew there would be a drummer joke as soon I saw the title...thanks to Ulrich, Bonham, Moon, etc the image of them as savages will be around forever, but there are just as many who are at the other end of spectrum...
I think you're half right about guitarists, they're all showoffs in a way but some let the music speak for them, others are Yngwie-styled buttholes.
Well if you play all of those instruments, like in my case (excluding vocals), what the hell kind of personality yields from that!?
Demonspell said:
guitarists are Yngwie-styled buttholes.

Either that or 'rhythm guitarist' types who never practise and only know a few chords but seem to end up in bands.

I hate drummers.
Marksveld said:
Well if you play all of those instruments, like in my case (excluding vocals), what the hell kind of personality yields from that!?

Some of you are probably arrogant bastards who think they can do everything better than the rest of the band (if you're in a band at all, that is)!
Yes and no.

A person may choose drums because they enjoy bashing things but they may also choose drums because their friends play them. There are so many reasons why people take up instruments.